Riipen Demo University
Riipen Demo University
Riipen Demo University
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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Social Media Strategy Plan

Dec 2, 2024 - Feb 1, 2025

Welcome to Riipen University. Our Marketing students are ready to tackle real-world Marketing projects challenges under your guidance.Steps for Matching:Step 1: Submit a match request with your Social Media project.Step 2: After reviewing, our professor will connect with you for project suitability discussion.Step 3: Upon agreement, the project is officially approved.Step 4: The project is assigned to a dedicated team of 3-4 students for in-depth exploration and solution development.Ideal Partner: We seek a dynamic business owner passionate about enhancing HR practices. The project should focus on challenges like building company culture, conflict management, or employee motivation.

Admin Toritse Ikomi
Department School of Business
Matches 1
Category Communications + 2
Open Closing on October 1, 2024

HR Solutions | Creating a thriving work culture

Sep 2, 2024 - Dec 21, 2024

Welcome to an innovative collaboration opportunity with Riipen University. Our Industrial and Organizational Psychology students are ready to tackle real-world HR challenges under your guidance.Steps for Matching:Step 1: Submit a match request with your HR challenge.Step 2: After reviewing, our professor will connect with you for project suitability discussion.Step 3: Upon agreement, the project is officially approved.Step 4: The project is assigned to a dedicated team of 3-4 students for in-depth exploration and solution development.Ideal Partner: We seek a dynamic business owner passionate about enhancing HR practices. The project should focus on challenges like building company culture, conflict management, or employee motivation.

Admin Katie Oakley
Matches 1
Category Employee retention + 4
Open Closing on September 2, 2024

Unlocking Strategic Financial Insights

ADMS 2510

Sep 23, 2024 - Nov 30, 2024

RiipenDemo University presents an exclusive opportunity to collaborate with second-year learners eager to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. By participating in this experience, employers will contribute to the students' academic journey and also gain valuable insights and solutions to their business challenges.Employers engaging in this collaboration are expected to provide regular guidance and communication to the student teams, supply necessary project information, attend virtual presentations, and offer constructive feedback through the Riipen platform.

Admin Katie Oakley
Department School of Business
Matches 1
Category Project management + 4
Open Closing on September 7, 2024

Zappity-Doo-Dah Innovation Experience


Our learners are dynamic, creative, and eager to tackle a variety of projects. Companies working with our learners can expect:Innovative Solutions: Our learners are adept at thinking outside the box and coming up with creative solutions to complex problems.Collaborative Teamwork: They excel in collaborative environments and are skilled at working effectively in multidisciplinary teams.Adaptability: Our learners are quick learners and can adapt to new technologies and project requirements.Communication Skills: They possess strong communication and presentation skills, enabling them to effectively convey their ideas and project progress.

Admin Shokoufeh Mo
Matches 1
Category Branding & style guides + 3

Sales Pitch Analysis and Creation

Jun 3, 2024 - Jul 4, 2024

Students will be in small forward-looking sales teams and complete a Project with two main parts.In part 1, they will form a strong understanding of the business and its products. In part 2, students will evaluate current sales presentations and demonstrate a new approach to selling products during a pandemic. They will develop a unique sales strategy for your company, based on market research and product knowledge, that will improve your sales processes and results.

Admin CS Demo
Department School of Business
Matches 1
Category Market research + 4

Digital Marketing Strategy 2


In the Digital Marketing Strategy course, students develop a deep understanding of digital marketing principles and strategies. Through a blend of theoretical concepts and hands-on projects, students gain the skills needed to excel in the rapidly evolving field of digital marketing.Develop a Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy: Creating a detailed plan outlining the company's goals, target audience, and digital channels and tactics.Execute Digital Marketing Campaigns: Implementing various tactics like SEO, social media, content marketing, and email marketing to reach and engage the target audience.Analyze Campaign Performance: Using analytics tools to track KPIs and analyze data for optimization.Create Engaging Content: Developing high-quality content for different digital platforms.Manage Digital Advertising Campaigns: Creating and managing ads on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads.Engage on Social Media: Managing social media accounts and creating compelling content to build brand loyalty.Overall, they're able to effectively plan, execute, and optimize digital marketing campaigns to achieve the company's objectives and drive business growth.

Admin Kaitlyn Howell
Department School of Business
Matches 1
Category Digital marketing + 2

Business Development Projects /testing


This course runs up to six terms per year (approximately every eight weeks) and is dependent on enrollment. If there are not enough students, we will postpone until the following term.

Admin Shokoufeh Moradi /ADMIN
Department Product Faculty
Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 2

Digital Marketing Strategy

N/A - N/A

In the Digital Marketing Strategy course, students develop a deep understanding of digital marketing principles and strategies. Through a blend of theoretical concepts and hands-on projects, students gain the skills needed to excel in the rapidly evolving field of digital marketing.Develop a Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy: Creating a detailed plan outlining the company's goals, target audience, and digital channels and tactics.Execute Digital Marketing Campaigns: Implementing various tactics like SEO, social media, content marketing, and email marketing to reach and engage the target audience.Analyze Campaign Performance: Using analytics tools to track KPIs and analyze data for optimization.Create Engaging Content: Developing high-quality content for different digital platforms.Manage Digital Advertising Campaigns: Creating and managing ads on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads.Engage on Social Media: Managing social media accounts and creating compelling content to build brand loyalty.Overall, they're able to effectively plan, execute, and optimize digital marketing campaigns to achieve the company's objectives and drive business growth.

Admin Kaitlyn Howell
Department School of Business
Matches 3
Category Digital marketing + 2



Aug 17, 2020 - Oct 1, 2020


Matches 1
Category Market research

Évaluation du taux de recommandation net


Jan 3, 2022 - Apr 18, 2022

Un groupe d'étudiant.e.s en psychologie des affaires analysera votre taux de recommandation net afin de faire des recommandations sur la façon d'améliorer vos relations avec vos clients.

Admin Alessandra Cicci
Matches 0
Category Product or service launch

Utilisation de l’influence sociale pour augmenter les ventes


Jan 3, 2022 - Apr 18, 2022

Un groupe d’étudiant.e.s en psychologie sociale analysera votre promotion de ventes actuelle et formulera des recommandations fondées sur les principes de l’influence sociale (p. ex.: recueillir des ‘likes’) afin d’améliorer les taux de réponse de vos clients.

Admin Mylène Sage
Matches 0
Category Marketing strategy + 1

Plan de mentorat


Jan 3, 2022 - Apr 18, 2022

Les mentor.e.s sur les lieux de travail sont de plus en plus utilisés pour favoriser le développement des employé.e.s. Le mentorat se distingue de la formation en ce qu'il est personnalisé et se concentre sur les capacités personnelles de l'individu à effectuer des changements et à se développer. Il s'agit d'un complément à la formation sur le lieu de travail, notamment pour le développement continu du leadership. Dans le cadre de ce projet, les étudiant.e.s élaboreront un plan de mentorat basé sur les compétences pour votre organisation, en mettant l'accent sur les résultats qui correspondent aux objectifs de votre organisation.

Admin Mylène Sage
Matches 0
Category Human resources - general

Proposer une stratégie de croissance TEST

ADMN 4607

Mar 26, 2020 - Apr 1, 2020

Durant trois semaines, les étudiants utiliseront leurs apprentissages en gestion stratégique d’entreprise pour accompagner votre organisation dans son développement futur. L'utilisation des techniques et méthodes en gestion stratégique d’entreprise permettra à partir de l’analyse du plan stratégique de proposer une stratégie de croissance, et ce à partir de la mission, vision et objectifs de votre entreprise ou organisation.

Admin Jennifer Lussier
Matches 1
Category Market research + 4

Gestion des logiciels libres


Jan 3, 2022 - Apr 18, 2022

La technologie devenant de plus en plus complexe, la dépendance à l'égard des systèmes existants et des logiciels libres augmentera également. Dans le cadre de ce projet, les étudiant.e.s mettront en œuvre leurs connaissances des cycles de vie de développement des logiciels, des processus de révision des codes et des meilleures pratiques collaboratives afin d’exploiter et de gérer les logiciels libres pour atteindre les objectifs de votre organisation.

Admin Mylène Sage
Matches 0
Category Information technology + 1

Master's Strategy Consulting


Sep 1, 2020 - Oct 16, 2020

Master's student-consultants from diverse backgrounds will provide an objective assessment and research-based recommendations on opportunities and challenges currently affecting your organization.

Admin Matthew Kwan
Matches 1
Category Product or service launch

Product Marketing Launch

May 30, 2024 - Jul 1, 2024

A group of students will put together a marketing strategy for a new product or service you are launching, with an emphasis on digital marketing, SEO and social media.

Admin Shokoufeh Mo
Matches 1
Category Product or service launch + 1

Crafting Comprehensive PRD: A Student-Led Initiative

Jun 3, 2024 - Oct 1, 2024

Our learners are adept at understanding the intricacies of product management and are equipped with the skills necessary to translate business objectives into actionable product requirements. Companies working with our learners can expect meticulously crafted product requirement documents that outline features, functionality, and user stories in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, our learners are proficient in conducting market research, competitor analysis, and stakeholder interviews to ensure the proposed product aligns with market needs and business goals.

Admin Shokoufeh Mo
Department School of Business
Matches 2
Category Competitive analysis + 3



N/A - N/A

Price elasticity of demand is an important concept when pricing goods and services in the marketplace. Early stage start-ups can have a difficult time pricing their market offerings. One tool start-ups may use to determine an appropriate price is elasticity. Price elasticity is a metric used to gauge how much buyers and sellers respond to changes in market conditions and, ultimately, the revenue that could be earned by the start-up. In this activity, students will prepare a policy brief for an early stage start-up to determine the price elasticity of demand for its market offering(s).

Admin Matthew Kwan
Matches 0
Category Communications

User experience testing

Oct 23, 2023 - Nov 10, 2023

Users will conductive extensive usability analysis of the platform in question, running through common user journeys to identify pain points and create recommendations for improvement.

Admin Emma Educator
Matches 2
Category Product management + 1

Visualisation de données en temps réel


Jan 3, 2022 - Apr 18, 2022

Comme les organisations sont en mesure de recueillir une quantité croissante de données sur les utilisateur.trice.s et leur activité, la nécessité de visualiser ces données dans un format lisible constitue un défi de taille. Dans le cadre de ce projet, les équipes d'étudiant.e.s travailleront avec un ensemble de données fourni par votre organisation pour générer un système de visualisation programmé et vous aider à obtenir des informations importantes.

Admin Mylène Sage
Matches 0
Category Computer science - general



Jan 3, 2022 - Apr 18, 2022

Au cours de ce semestre, les étudiant.e.s travaillant en petits groupes appliqueront leurs connaissances en marketing pour aider votre organisation à saisir une opportunité de marketing, à développer un plan de marketing stratégique ou à résoudre un problème de marketing actuel. Les étudiant.e.s utiliseront la recherche en marketing, la stratégie, les outils promotionnels numériques et les meilleures pratiques de marketing pour créer un rapport et une présentation.

Admin Alessandra Cicci
Matches 0
Category Marketing strategy

Agence de production de médias


Jan 3, 2022 - Apr 18, 2022

La création de contenu est une partie importante mais exigeante en ressources du plan de promotion de toute organisation. Dans ce projet, les étudiant.e.s travailleront en équipes pluridisciplinaires pour fonctionner comme une agence médiatique. Il.Elle.s produiront des livrables médiatiques numériques et/ou traditionnels, en fonction de vos besoins et des opportunités de l'industrie.

Admin Mylène Sage
Matches 0
Category Media + 2

Marketing Communications Plan

Test 123

Sep 30, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020

It takes an average of seven interactions with your brand before a customer buys. Make sure each interaction is working effectively towards a common goal with an integrated marketing and communications plan. Based on your organizational goals, a student team will develop a unique marketing communications campaign, informed by primary and secondary market research.

Admin Matt Kwan
Matches 0
Category Communications + 1

Évaluation de la GRC


Jan 3, 2022 - Apr 18, 2022

Trouver le système idéal de gestion de la relation client (GRC) pour votre organisation peut vous faire économiser des ressources incommensurables au fil du temps. Dans le cadre de ce projet, les étudiant.e.s effectueront une analyse des meilleures solutions GRC disponibles et formuleront des recommandations basées sur vos besoins.

Admin Alessandra Cicci
Matches 0
Category Operations + 2

Strategic Marketing

MRKT 208

Oct 9, 2023 - Dec 25, 2023

Do you have a marketing challenge you want to tackle? In this program learners will work on managing marketing activities by exploring the process of planning and executing the concept, pricing, promotion and distribution of goods and services. Students will conduct a situation analysis, research your product/service (including potential target market, competitors, and industry considerations), formulate alternatives, and recommend strategies and implementation plans. All students in each cohort will work on your plan and in the end, you will receive up to six Strategic Marketing Plans.

Admin CS Demo
Matches 2
Category Market research + 3

UX Design for a website or app


This assignment involves the full User Experience Design process. Researching, wire framing, design, and testing, producing a mid to high fidelity prototype for a website or app.

Matches 0
Category UX design

Data Analytics Project


to review and refresh the user research of an existing MVP,finalize the personas and journey mapping, andthen add and edit the MVP to make it more user-friendly, andfinally, test and improve whether the unique value proposition of each idea is reflected through a high-fidelity prototype of the MVP (minimum viable product).

Admin Barkha Patel
Matches 0
Category UX design

Plan stratégique de marketing pour les médias sociaux


Jan 3, 2022 - Apr 18, 2022

Une forte présence en ligne est la clé pour débloquer de nouveaux marchés et développer votre clientèle. Que vous lanciez un nouveau produit, promouviez votre entreprise ou tentiez de toucher de nouveaux publics, les médias sociaux sont un excellent outil à utiliser. Dans ce projet, un groupe d'étudiant.e.s analysera votre présence actuelle dans les médias sociaux et proposera des méthodes pour exploiter stratégiquement ces outils afin d'atteindre vos objectifs.

Admin Alessandra Cicci
Matches 0
Category Marketing strategy

Community Based Challenge Course Template


Sep 24, 2020 - Dec 19, 2020

Hey educator, this is where you’ll write a general overview of your course. Consider using the sample text below:We are bringing experiential learning to our course to help students deepen their knowledge, develop new skills, and form new habits. Students form teams to research your organization's problem and come up with solutions. Each community based challenge runs for three to five weeks, ending with a final presentation of the students’ solutions. We appreciate your participation and commitment to helping youth in our community!

Admin Ola Ogungbemile
Matches 0
Category Product or service launch

Sales Strategy


Oct 31, 2023 - Apr 26, 2024

My students will be working on creating a Sales Strategy for your business. They will focus on the following areas: Go-to market strategy Strategy implementation to include graphics, communications, and branding Strategy assessment

Admin Anna-Bradley Schoenfeld
Matches 0
Category Sales strategy + 4