Data Analytics Project

Riipen Demo University
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • Undergraduate
  • 20 learners; individual projects
  • 20 hours per learner
  • Dates set by teams
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 1 projects wanted
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
  • Any company type
  • Any industries
UX design
user research value propositions data analysis
Learner goals and capabilities
  • to review and refresh the user research of an existing MVP,
  • finalize the personas and journey mapping, and
  • then add and edit the MVP to make it more user-friendly, and
  • finally, test and improve whether the unique value proposition of each idea is reflected through a high-fidelity prototype of the MVP (minimum viable product).

Expected outcomes and deliverables
  • to review and refresh the user research of an existing MVP,
  • finalize the personas and journey mapping, and
  • then add and edit the MVP to make it more user-friendly, and
  • finally, test and improve whether the unique value proposition of each idea is reflected through a high-fidelity prototype of the MVP (minimum viable product).

Project Examples
  • to review and refresh the user research of an existing MVP,
  • finalize the personas and journey mapping, and
  • then add and edit the MVP to make it more user-friendly, and
  • finally, test and improve whether the unique value proposition of each idea is reflected through a high-fidelity prototype of the MVP (minimum viable product).