
Open projects

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Denver, Colorado, United States
Jessica Acosta
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Writing Product management Operations Creative writing Copy writing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal of this project is to compile and formalize ECS Digital's operational procedures into a comprehensive written guide. This initiative aims to document the internal processes currently known intuitively by the management team. By achieving this, the project seeks to ensure operational consistency, enhance performance, and uphold the highest quality standards across all areas of the business.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

To achieve the project goal of compiling ECS Digital's operational procedures into a comprehensive written guide, learners will need to undertake the following tasks:

  1. Interview Management and Key Personnel:
  • Conduct interviews with the management team and key personnel to gather detailed insights into existing operational procedures.
  1. Process Mapping:
  • Map out all current operational processes, identifying key steps, responsibilities, and outcomes for each procedure.
  1. Documentation:
  • Begin the documentation process by writing down the procedures in a clear, step-by-step format, ensuring they are easy to understand and follow.
  1. Review for Accuracy and Completeness:
  • Collaborate with the management team and those involved in the processes to review the documented procedures for accuracy and completeness.
  1. Standardization of Documentation:
  • Standardize the format and language used across all procedural documentation to ensure consistency and clarity.
  1. Incorporate Visuals:
  • Where necessary, include diagrams, flowcharts, or images to complement and clarify the written procedures.
  1. Develop a Training Component:
  • Create training materials or guides based on the documented procedures to assist in onboarding new employees and ongoing staff training.
  1. Feedback and Revisions:
  • Collect feedback on the draft documents from various stakeholders and make revisions as needed to improve clarity and usefulness.
  1. Final Approval:
  • Obtain final approval from management and key personnel to ensure the documented procedures accurately reflect the intended operational processes.
  1. Publication and Distribution:
  • Finalize the document for publication, choosing a format and distribution method that makes the guide accessible to all relevant parties within the organization.
  1. Implementation Monitoring:
  • Set up a mechanism to monitor the implementation of the documented procedures, ensuring they are being followed and assessing their impact on operational consistency, performance, and quality standards.

By completing these tasks, learners will create a valuable resource that codifies ECS Digital's operational knowledge, fostering a more efficient, consistent, and high-quality execution of the company's internal processes.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

  1. Providing Access and Insights:
  • Grant learners access to operational data, documents, and insights into the company's processes and procedures.
  1. Direct Mentorship:
  • Assign experienced managers as mentors to offer guidance, share their expertise, and provide context for the operational procedures being documented.
  1. Regular Check-Ins and Feedback:
  • Schedule regular check-in meetings to review progress, discuss challenges, and provide constructive feedback on the work completed.
  1. Facilitating Interviews and Discussions:
  • Organize and facilitate interviews or discussion sessions with key personnel who are directly involved in the operational processes to ensure comprehensive understanding and accurate documentation.
  1. Resource Provision:
  • Provide necessary resources, including access to documentation tools, project management software, and any other technologies required for the successful completion of the project.
  1. Encouraging Collaboration:
  • Encourage a collaborative environment by fostering open communication among learners, managers, and other staff members to share knowledge and insights.
  1. Ensuring Real-World Application:
  • Offer opportunities for learners to apply their findings and recommendations in real-world scenarios within the company, testing the applicability and effectiveness of the documented procedures.
  1. Recognition and Utilization:
  • Recognize the learners' contributions by implementing their work into the company's official operational procedures, ensuring the project's outcomes have a tangible impact on the organization.

By providing comprehensive support, mentorship, and resources, ECS Digital managers will enable learners to successfully complete the project, ensuring the development of a detailed and accurate operational procedures guide that benefits both the learners and the organization.

What skills or technologies will help learners to complete the project?


  1. Interviewing and Communication:
  • Ability to effectively communicate with and interview management and staff to gather detailed information about operational procedures.
  1. Analytical Thinking:
  • Analyzing and understanding complex operational processes to accurately document them in a structured manner.
  1. Technical Writing:
  • Strong writing skills to clearly and concisely document procedures in a way that is easy to understand and follow.
  1. Attention to Detail:
  • Meticulous attention to detail to ensure all aspects of the procedures are accurately captured and described.
  1. Project Management:
  • Organizing and managing the project efficiently, from planning through to completion and review.
  1. Feedback Incorporation:
  • Receiving and effectively incorporating feedback from various stakeholders to refine the procedural documentation.


  1. Document Creation Tools:
  • Proficiency with word processing and document creation tools such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or similar for drafting the procedures.
  1. Flowchart and Diagram Software:
  • Familiarity with tools like Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart, or for creating flowcharts and diagrams that visually represent processes.
  1. Project Management Software:
  • Utilization of project management tools such as Asana, Trello, or Jira to organize tasks, deadlines, and collaborations.
  1. Collaboration Platforms:
  • Experience with collaboration and communication platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Google Workspace for coordinating with team members and stakeholders.
  1. Feedback and Review Tools:
  • Knowledge of tools that facilitate document sharing and feedback collection, such as Google Docs’ commenting feature or specialized software like ProofHub.

Equipping themselves with these skills and technologies will enable learners to effectively gather, analyze, document, and review ECS Digital's operational procedures, creating a comprehensive guide that ensures consistency and quality in the organization's operations.

About the company

Environmental Consulting Services, LLC (ECS) is a privately owned company engaged in the development and implementation of stormwater management compliance. Located in Denver Colorado the firm has successfully performed along the Front Range, From Colorado Springs to Ft. Collins and Boulder with a concentration in the metro-Denver area.

ECS’s proactive approach to its projects is to facilitate compliance from the conception to the completion of the projects. We take holistic strategies taking in to account the financial, safety and schedule based/parallel goals of each project. Our dedication to clients helps us build and cultivate long-term relationships that often grow into enduring friendships.

ECS specializes in innovative answers and design solutions for stormwater and erosion control applications. Understanding the ever-changing needs of the industry, we pride ourselves on being able to provide reliable, versatile and cost-effective solutions, specific to every project while maintaining remarkable compliance. We have extensive knowledge and in-depth understanding of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).