MacEwan University: Wellness and Psychological Services
MacEwan University: Wellness and Psychological Services
MacEwan University: Wellness and Psychological Services
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Level Up: Peer Health Education Mental Health Coping Cards

Level Up Positions Available: 2The Peer Health Education Mental Health Coping Cards project requires the student(s) to create pocket-sized resources highlighting common emotions and mental health symptoms and effective coping strategies for each. These Coping Cards will be available at New Student Orientations and educational table displays for students to have. By the end of this project, the student(s) should deliver a minimum of 10 coping cards to share with the community.

Admin Sydney Bennell
Matches 1
Category Graphic design + 3

Level Up: Student Dimensions of Wellness Project

Level Up Position Available: 1The Student Dimensions of Wellness project aims to create a video series explaining health, wellness and the 7 dimensions of student wellness in a friendly, engaging and creative way. The videos will be used to promote holistic wellness throughout campus, shared on MacEwan University's YouTube channel and in the myHealth at MacEwan meskanas course. The videos should be 1-3 minutes in length and provide a brief introduction to each concept.

Admin Sydney Bennell
Matches 1
Category Creative writing + 4

Faculty Perspectives of Student Mental Health

Wellness and Psychological Services provides confidential support to MacEwan students. We also offer training opportunities for faculty and staff members to enhance their ability to identify and assist students who are in distress.To assist with our program development and better understand the campus community, we are interested in exploring MacEwan faculty members’ experiences with supporting student mental health. Potential research questions include:What barriers do you experience to supporting student mental health?What is one of the toughest situations you've faced connected to student mental health?What type of information or learning opportunities would be most helpful for you to enhance your ability to support students who are struggling with their mental health?How do you balance your own wellness with teaching?We would like assistance with exploring the topics identified above. This would help to inform our future workshop and training development for MacEwan faculty members. It could also benefit the larger academic community.This exploration could occur via focus groups or a qualitative survey disseminated through Qualtrics, Microsoft Surveys, or Google Forms.

Admin Annelise Lyseng
Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 1

Level Up: Student Resilience Stories

Level Up: Student Resilience Stories: Wellness and Psychological ServicesWellness and Psychological Services (WPS) promotes exceptional student experiences by providing accessible, professional services that optimize wellness and respect for the dignity and value of all people. Our multidisciplinary team champions inclusion, innovation, accountability, and collaboration.WPS provides counselling and case management services for students, and consultation and information for faculty and staff. Our goal is to help students enhance their learning experiences and gain the skills and confidence to reach their personal, academic, and career potentials.WPS is seeking one student to engage in a project that involves compiling stories of students' experiences. The expected outcome is the creation of a webpage that includes stories of students overcoming challenges within the university environmentThis project includes:Interviewing 3-5 students from diverse academic backgrounds regarding a student related challenge (failing a class; work-life balance; finding motivation; experiencing test anxiety; meeting peers) and how they overcame this challengeCompiling and summarizing the stories (each story should be approximately 250-500 words)Researching coping strategies that may be used by others in similar situationsQualifications:Experience and familiarity with website maintenance (i.e., Google suite)Experience and familiarity with various social media platformsHas skills in creative writing and ability to engage an online audience

Admin Julia Russell
Matches 1
Category Media + 2

Level UP: Photo Contest Project

Positions available: 1-2 students (estimated 160 hour project).Wellness and Psychological Services is seeking 1 student to support the development of a photo contest which is being developed in conjunction with the Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM) and the United Way. This project involves creating and filming content for various social media platforms for the purpose of advertising a photo contest supporting a United Way campaign on the topic of mental health.The project entails, but is not limited to:Assisting in the creation of social media content for various platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok)Learning and using online marketing tools and softwareFilming social media contentCreating videos for website and social media purposesCoordinating and managing campaign timelines, schedules and social media postsCreativity with a keen eye for visual communicationGraphic design or advertising experience (preferred, but not required)

Admin Annelise Lyseng
Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 4

Level UP: Research Assistant

Positions available: 1 student (estimated 80 hour project). Wellness and Psychological Services is seeking 1 student for a research assistant position. The research project focuses on the experiences of Canadian Post-Secondary Counsellors and is being conducted in conjunction with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). The research assistant will support research initiatives under the guidance of research faculty. The expected outcome would be to complete data collection for this mixed-methods project.The project entails, but is not limited to:Conducting administrative tasks related to the research project (e.g., emailing and collecting information from stakeholders)Transcription of focus group and individual interviewsEvaluating accuracy of transcripts from audio-recorded interviewsIn addition, the student would be expected to support in the development of the following projects:1) Recorded WebinarsSynthesizing content on mental health into powerpoint presentationsAudio-recording webinars using screen-cast-o-maticCreating engaging content to stimulate interest from university student audience2) Social Media LiteracyCompleting research on how to critically evaluate social mediaCreate deliverables such as: handouts, list of tips, social media posts on how to critically evaluate social media3) Graphic Design· Designing and updating existing mental health resources (e.g., community referral list, WPS handouts, and resources for students)· Creating aesthetically pleasing graphics that are engaging and stimulate interest from university students using Canva

Admin Annelise Lyseng
Matches 1
Category Humanities + 3

Level UP: Peer Health Education Team Social Media Strategy project

Level UP: Peer Health Education Team Social Media Strategy projectPositions available: 2 student position (~160-hour project). Individuals and student teams of two are encouraged to apply.Overview of Peer Health Education Team:The Peer Health Education Team (PHET) is a volunteer program at MacEwan University, that strives to build a healthier campus for all. Through peer-to-peer education, advocacy, and collaboration with campus and community members, the PHET encourages students to make informed choices in support of their academic and personal goals. The PHET views health holistically, knowing that there are many dimensions of wellness that impact health.Peer Health Educators (PHEs) are at the core of campus health and wellness programming and are essential to the dissemination of relevant health and wellness information to students and MacEwan University members. Under the direction of the Wellness and Psychological Services Faculty, PHEs will help promote health and wellness at MacEwan University through various strategies and approaches.Project Details:The PHET is seeking 1-2 student(s) to create a social media strategy for the Peer Health Education Team’s social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, etc.).The project entails:· researching effective social media strategies for health promotion content,· creating a 1-2 page document with effective social media strategies, tips and tricks for future Peer Health Educators,· researching health promotion awareness days/weeks/months and initiatives,· creating a content calendar,· creating engaging content for posts (including graphics and written content), and· working with tools like Canva to create engaging posts,Social media posts created in this project will be used throughout the academic year to promote wellness for MacEwan Students.Students applying for this opportunity must be familiar with Canva and have access to a computer.To learn more about the Peer Health Education Team, visit our site here!

Admin Sydney Bennell
Matches 4
Category Media + 3

Level UP: Peer Health Education Team Table Display Graphics Update project

Level UP: Peer Health Education Team Table Display Graphics Update projectPositions available: 2 student position (~160-hour project). Individuals and student teams of two are encouraged to apply.Overview of Peer Health Education Team:The Peer Health Education Team (PHET) is a volunteer program at MacEwan University, that strives to build a healthier campus for all. Through peer-to-peer education, advocacy, and collaboration with campus and community members, the PHET encourages students to make informed choices in support of their academic and personal goals. The PHET views health holistically, knowing that there are many dimensions of wellness that impact health.Peer Health Educators (PHEs) are at the core of campus health and wellness programming and are essential to the dissemination of relevant health and wellness information to students and MacEwan University members. Under the direction of the Wellness and Psychological Services Faculty, PHEs will help promote health and wellness at MacEwan University through various strategies and approaches.Project Details:The PHET is seeking 1-2 student(s) to update current PHET Table Display graphics (approximately 24 table displays), based on the direction of the PHET Supervision Team. Using the free platform, Canva, the student(s) working on this project will creatively update graphics and information used for interactive Educational Table Displays.The project entails:· reviewing current education table display graphics, and· updating table display graphics into an “infographic” style posters.All 24 education table displays will need to be updated during this project.Students applying for this opportunity must be familiar with Canva and have access to a computer.To learn more about the Peer Health Education Team, visit our site here!

Admin Sydney Bennell
Matches 3
Category Visual arts + 3

Level UP: Peer Health Education Team Activity Implementation Guide project

Level UP: Peer Health Education Team Activity Implementation Guide projectPositions available: 1 student position (~80-hour project)Overview of Peer Health Education Team:The Peer Health Education Team (PHET) is a volunteer program at MacEwan University, that strives to build a healthier campus for all. Through peer-to-peer education, advocacy, and collaboration with campus and community members, the PHET encourages students to make informed choices in support of their academic and personal goals. The PHET views health holistically, knowing that there are many dimensions of wellness that impact health.Peer Health Educators (PHEs) are at the core of campus health and wellness programming and are essential to the dissemination of relevant health and wellness information to students and MacEwan University members. Under the direction of the Wellness and Psychological Services Faculty, PHEs will help promote health and wellness at MacEwan University through various strategies and approaches.Project Details:The PHET is seeking 1 student to create the “Peer Health Education Team Activities Implementation Guide”. The Activities Implementation Guide will be used by the student volunteers to plan and implement activities at Wellness Stations, Table Displays, and Special Events for MacEwan University students.The project entails:· completing a needs assessment and reviewing current student wellness statistics and data,· researching wellness activities,· creating learning objectives for wellness activities,· creating “How to Implement” activity information,· creating any supporting documents needed for activity implementation (examples posters, activity graphics, instructions for participants, take-aways),· creating evaluation metrics and feedback forms for wellness activities, and· packing content in a complete “Peer Health Education Team Activities Implementation Guide”.The Activity Guide should include a minimum of 8 wellness activities.Students applying for this opportunity must have access to a computer and be familiar with Google Apps.To learn more about the Peer Health Education Team, visit our site here!

Admin Sydney Bennell
Matches 2
Category Communications + 3

Level UP: Recorded Webinars and Social Media Literacy Project

Positions available: 1-2 students (estimated 160 hour project). Individuals or teams of 2 are encouraged to apply.Wellness and Psychological Services is seeking 1-2 students to engage in a project that involves creating and recording webinars on various mental health topics (e.g., sleep, goal-setting). This position also involves conducting and synthesizing evidence-based research to create materials that teach students how to critically evaluate social media content on mental health.These projects entail, but are not limited to:1) Recorded WebinarsSynthesizing content on mental health into powerpoint presentationsAudio-recording webinars using screen-cast-o-maticCreating engaging content to stimulate interest from university student audience2) Social Media LiteracyCompleting research on how to critically evaluate social mediaCreating deliverables such as: handouts, list of tips, social media posts on how to critically evaluate social mediaDesigning engaging content for a university student audience

Admin Helena Dayal
Matches 0
Category Media + 4

Level Up: Peer Health Education Environmental Wellbeing Toolkit

Positions Available: 2The Peer Health Education Environmental Wellbeing Toolkit aims to bring awareness to the key issues related to environmental wellbeing. By the end of this project, a complete toolkit with information, resources, activities and reflective questions related to environmental wellbeing should be delivered.

Admin Sydney Bennell
Matches 1
Category Graphic design + 4

Level Up: Eco-grief Support Group Project

Positions available: 1-2 students (estimated 160 hour project). Individuals or teams of 2 are encouraged to apply.Wellness and Psychological Services is seeking 1-2 students to engage in a project that involves exploring the topic of eco-grief and the impact on the student population. This position involves conducting and synthesizing evidence-based research to create materials that teach students practical skills to manage their experiences of eco-grief.

Admin Helena Dayal
Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 3

Level UP: Graphic Designer

Positions available: 1 student (estimated 80 hour project)Wellness and Psychological Services (WPS) is seeking 1 student for a graphic designer position. This project involves adapting existing WPS content to facilitate interest, readability, and overall aesthetic improvement using Canva.The project entails, but is not limited to:· Designing and updating existing mental health resources (e.g., community referral list, handouts for students)· Creating aesthetically pleasing graphics that are engaging and stimulate interest from university students

Admin Helena Dayal
Matches 0
Category Media + 3

Level UP WPS Research Assistant: Literature Reviews & Resources

Positions available: 2 or 3 students (estimated 80 hour project per student). Wellness and Psychological Services is seeking 2 or 3 students for research assistant positions.Research assistants would be responsible for drafting literature reviews and creating evidence-based mental health resources on topics relevant to student mental health.

Admin Annelise Lyseng
Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 3

Level Up: Ego-grief project

Positions available: 1-2 students (estimated 160 hour project). Individuals or teams of 2 are encouraged to apply.Wellness and Psychological Services is seeking 1-2 students to engage in a project that involves exploring the topic of eco-grief and the impact on the student population. This position involves conducting and synthesizing evidence-based research to create materials that teach students practical skills to manage their experiences of eco-grief.

Admin Helena Dayal
Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 4

MacEwan Level Up Harm Reduction Video Series

We are seeking a student to create a series of short educational videos related to harm reduction. These videos will be posted on social media, shared on campus, and included in a self-directed learning module.

Admin Sydney Bennell
Matches 0
Category Videography + 2

MacEwan Level Up Harm Reduction Website Design

We are seeking a student to design and implement elements of the Coalition for Harm Reduction at MacEwan (CHARM) webpage. Currently, CHARM uses a Google site and will be transitioning to WordPress.

Admin Sydney Bennell
Matches 0
Category Videography + 2

Level Up: Peer Health Education Team Promotional Video

Level Up Positions Available: 2The student(s) working on this project will create a promotion video to replace the current Peer Health Education Team video. The video will be used to promote the Peer Health Education Team program on various platforms and shared with our campus community.

Admin Sydney Bennell
Matches 1
Category Graphic design + 4

Level Up: Peer Health Education Food Security Cookbook

Level Up available positions: 1The Peer Health Education Food Security Cookbook aims to bring awareness to the key issues related to food security in the post-secondary population and provide budget-friendly and thoughtful recipes for students. By the end of this project, a complete cookbook should be published.

Admin Sydney Bennell
Matches 1
Category Graphic design + 4