Faculty Perspectives of Student Mental Health

Counsellor, R.Psych
Preferred learners
  • Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • Academic experience
Social sciences
training and development surveys teaching focus group research mental health psychology program development
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Wellness and Psychological Services provides confidential support to MacEwan students. We also offer training opportunities for faculty and staff members to enhance their ability to identify and assist students who are in distress.

To assist with our program development and better understand the campus community, we are interested in exploring MacEwan faculty members’ experiences with supporting student mental health. Potential research questions include:

  • What barriers do you experience to supporting student mental health?
  • What is one of the toughest situations you've faced connected to student mental health?
  • What type of information or learning opportunities would be most helpful for you to enhance your ability to support students who are struggling with their mental health?
  • How do you balance your own wellness with teaching?

We would like assistance with exploring the topics identified above. This would help to inform our future workshop and training development for MacEwan faculty members. It could also benefit the larger academic community.

This exploration could occur via focus groups or a qualitative survey disseminated through Qualtrics, Microsoft Surveys, or Google Forms.

About the company

Mental health is an essential component of your overall wellness. If you are stressed or overwhelmed, feel like a crisis is looming or just want to reach out and be proactive about your mental health—talk to us. We are here for you.

At MacEwan University, you can access a number of services and activities to support your post-secondary experience. Let us can help you discover the resources that best suit your particular situation.