Level Up: Student Resilience Stories

Preferred learners
  • Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • Academic experience
Communications Humanities Media
resilience accountability google workspace creative writing web maintenance innovation case management psychology
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Level Up: Student Resilience Stories:

Wellness and Psychological Services

Wellness and Psychological Services (WPS) promotes exceptional student experiences by providing accessible, professional services that optimize wellness and respect for the dignity and value of all people. Our multidisciplinary team champions inclusion, innovation, accountability, and collaboration.

WPS provides counselling and case management services for students, and consultation and information for faculty and staff. Our goal is to help students enhance their learning experiences and gain the skills and confidence to reach their personal, academic, and career potentials.

WPS is seeking one student to engage in a project that involves compiling stories of students' experiences. The expected outcome is the creation of a webpage that includes stories of students overcoming challenges within the university environment

This project includes:

  • Interviewing 3-5 students from diverse academic backgrounds regarding a student related challenge (failing a class; work-life balance; finding motivation; experiencing test anxiety; meeting peers) and how they overcame this challenge
  • Compiling and summarizing the stories (each story should be approximately 250-500 words)
  • Researching coping strategies that may be used by others in similar situations


  • Experience and familiarity with website maintenance (i.e., Google suite)
  • Experience and familiarity with various social media platforms
  • Has skills in creative writing and ability to engage an online audience
How will you support learners in completing the project?

The successful candidate will be directly communicating with counsellor, Julia Russell, R.Psych. with Helena Dayal, R.Psych., as a secondary supervisor.

About the company

Mental health is an essential component of your overall wellness. If you are stressed or overwhelmed, feel like a crisis is looming or just want to reach out and be proactive about your mental health—talk to us. We are here for you.

At MacEwan University, you can access a number of services and activities to support your post-secondary experience. Let us can help you discover the resources that best suit your particular situation.