MohammedSohaib Syed
MohammedSohaib Syed
United Muslim Fund
United Muslim Fund
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

User Research Study

We are looking to have students conduct usability tests. We will provide the customer contact information, and will obtain their consent to participate. Students will be responsible for:Interview schedulingDeveloping a script for the interviewConducting the moderated interview remotelyWriting the user research plan Analyzing the results and defining the solutionsFollowing up with the customers to share the final case studies and thank them for their participation

Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 3
Youth In Politics
Youth In Politics
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Redesign an Internal HR System / Process

We want to use this opportunity to create a preliminary redesign of this tool to ensure targets, goals and performance issues are being documented and called upon. Through this collaboration, we would like to develop a plan that addresses three key areas:The needs and challenges of effective performance management/evaluationResearch and identify performance management options available that might suit the needs of our teamA rollout/pilot plan that identifying what our team needs to consider in adopting a new tool

Matches 1
Category Leadership + 3
SP Global Inc
SP Global Inc
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Financial Business Plan

We are looking to launch a new venture and we want to know how we could achieve it. The plan should include:Sales forecastingExpense budgetIncome projections (conservative and aggressive)Assets and liabilitiesBreak-even analysis

Matches 1
Category Financial modeling + 3
United Muslim Fund
United Muslim Fund
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Health Promotion Campaign Plan

Our organization wants to further our efforts to increase awareness about a particular health topic. We would like to work with students to develop a campaign that successfully raises awareness and changes behaviour around this health topic in a certain population. In collaboration with key contacts at our organization, students will design and carry out a campaign strategy around this health topic. Identify groups which this campaign will target.Identify ideal outcomes and KPIs.Design leaflets, posters, videos, and/or brochures.

Matches 1
Category Healthcare + 1
SP Global Inc
SP Global Inc
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Business Administration

The primary focus for the student will be: (Remove any that don't apply)Strategy - Develop an implementation plan for entering a new market; develop a go-to-market strategy; identify new funding and grant opportunities, write proposals.Operations - Recommend process improvements or redesign processes; develop improvements to supply chain processes; introduce quality assurance into our internal processes.Marketing - Complete a full customer, competitor, market, and environmental analysis; complete a marketing strategy review; design a new marketing strategy (product, place, price, and promotion); Sales - Design a new/improved prospecting process for our sales team; design a new/improved pricing or service structure.

Matches 1
Category Operations + 3
Youth In Politics
Youth In Politics
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Policy Implication Study

We are planning to implement a policy and before we do, we would like to understand the expected implications of such a policy within this population. We would like the help of students ensure that his policy will be effective for achieving our goals. Students should expect to complete the following scope:Identify similar policies that have been implemented in other populations.Identify similar populations for comparison.Conduct interviews with people in the affected or comparable population for feedback.

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 1
Melius Marketing Ltd.
Melius Marketing Ltd.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Foreign Marketing

We would like to revamp our marketing as we have recently expanded into a foreign market.Together with our marketing team, we would like students to design new promotional material for the foreign market. Based on our insights and additional research, students will develop promotional marketing materials for our existing media and make recommendations on alternative media to consider.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Researching the foreign market where we have recently expanded.Assessing our existing marketing strategy and efforts.Recommending new marketing tactics.Designing promotional material for various media.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Making multiple versions of marketing materials and testing them for comparison.

Matches 2
Category Digital marketing + 2
Youth In Politics
Youth In Politics
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Awareness Campaign Plan

Our organization is passionate about promoting social causes. We ​​want to increase awareness about a particular topic.We would like to work with students to design a campaign that raises awareness and encourages changes in attitudes / behaviors. In collaboration with key contacts at our organization, students will design and carry out a campaign strategy around this topic.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with the social cause, our mission and goals.Identifying groups that the campaign will target.Identifying ideal outcomes and key performance indicators (KPIs).Identifying potential sponsors and partners who can support our campaign.Creating a promotion and marketing plan.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Assisting in the development of leaflets, posters, videos, and / or brochures.

Matches 2
Category Event planning + 1
Melius Marketing Ltd.
Melius Marketing Ltd.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

B2C Product Launch to New Market Research

As a B2C company, our primary goal is creating products that are closely aligned to our market segment’s wants and needs, so that we can maximize our sales. We have recently created a new product to increase the breadth of our product line. It will be important to gather information on buying behaviour, experiences, expectations, and perception of both our brand and our largest competitors.Tasks may involve: Creating an unbiased survey with questions regarding consumer experience with our brand, perception of our products/services, and opinions on our competitors.Creating effective conversation questions for customer interviews.Determining the best way to reach customers and how to motivate them to provide feedback on the company (we will distribute the survey accordingly).Analyzing trends within primary data collected through the survey and interviews, and reporting on them.Conduct operational analysts.

Matches 2
Category Market research + 3
Youth In Politics
Youth In Politics
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Diversity & Inclusion Strategy

Our company has dozens of volunteers with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We want to create an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued.We would like to collaborate with students to create a diversity and inclusion strategy.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Identifying areas for improvement based on our diversity audit data.Defining diversity goals and objectives for our company.Considering new diversity and inclusion training initiatives.Recommending ways to communicate diversity and inclusion initiatives to employees.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending a timeline for evaluating our diversity and inclusion strategy.

Matches 1
Category Change management + 2
Catering By Khatoon
Catering By Khatoon
Pickering, Ontario, Canada

Fundraising Event Planning

Our organization is committed to serving our target population. However, we are currently facing funding challenges.We would like to collaborate with students to plan a fundraising event to help meet our goals.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our mission, values and goals.Estimating and establishing the budget of the fundraising event.Creating a plan of action and a detailed breakdown of tasks for volunteers to complete at the event.Assisting in marketing and promoting our event.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending improvements for future fundraising events.

Matches 2
Category Social work + 3
Alpha Vendors
Alpha Vendors
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Investment Raising Plan

Our company is committed to serving our target market. To direct our future activities, we are in need of investor support.We would like to collaborate with students to develop a capital raising plan that meets our goals.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our values, products and services.Defining goals for the investment raising plan.Conducting research on potential investors for our company.Creating investment materials such as presentations and templates for our financials and forecasts.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending improvements or changes for future investment materials.

Matches 1
Category Investment
Cyberplus Security Inc
Cyberplus Security Inc
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

B2C Product Launch to New Market Research

As a B2C company, our primary goal is creating products that are closely aligned to our market segment’s wants and needs, so that we can maximize our sales. We have recently created a new product to increase the breadth of our product line. It will be important to gather information on buying behaviour, experiences, expectations, and perception of both our brand and our largest competitors.Tasks may involve: Creating an unbiased survey with questions regarding consumer experience with our brand, perception of our products/services, and opinions on our competitors.Creating effective conversation questions for customer interviews.Determining the best way to reach customers and how to motivate them to provide feedback on the company (we will distribute the survey accordingly).Analyzing trends within primary data collected through the survey and interviews, and reporting on them.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 3