Randy Christie
Randy Christie
Randy Christie
ecoToken System
ecoToken System
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Digital Content Creation

We would like students to help us with creating content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector. We will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what these elements are for our organization. We need help building out more social channels and helping us stay active. Graphic design and any coding experience Would be helpful but not needed. CSS especially, in the unlikely circumstance you have Rust experience as well you are hired. Ultimately, you will be working on content creation for our organization, including video, social media, and other collateral that we can use as go-to marketing tools.If you like the sound of our culture, and are ready to tackle this challenge with us, then we'd love to hear from you.

Matches 2
Category Social media marketing + 4
ecoToken System
ecoToken System
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

First Ever NFT Art Campaign to Save Our Oceans

We would like students to help us with creating content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector. We will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what these elements are for our organization. We are partnering with Ocean Wise charity to launch the first of its kind art NFT collection. We need your help to spread the word. This is a two sided campaign where we need to attract as many artists as possible to submit their Ocean specific pieces. We want a wide range of artists from top level all the way to students for class assignments. We will then tokenize the art as an NFT. As people donate to Ocean Wise they will receive a lottery NFT that will given them one of the pieces of art. They may receive an incredibly valuable piece or a crayon drawing from an elementary school student. Funding is going towards developing kelp in British Colombia which has tremendously positive environmental outcomes.

Matches 1
Category Social media marketing + 4
Victory Design
Victory Design
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

PhoneApp for Public Safety Education

We work with Fire Departments, Police Department and Government Forest Fire Prevention Agencies to educate the public, in particular children about safety.To date most of our education materials have been printed pieces and novelties.What we would like to do is place a QR code on something that would launch a PhoneApp that will allow the children to do a game or puzzle that will reinforce the safety messages they have been taught by professionals.

Matches 0
Category Communications + 3
ecoToken System
ecoToken System
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Digital Content Creation

We would like students to help us with creating content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector. We will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what these elements are for our organization. We need help building out more social channels and helping us stay active. Graphic design and any coding experience Would be helpful but not needed. CSS especially, in the unlikely circumstance you have Rust experience as well you are hired. Ultimately, you will be working on content creation for our organization, including video, social media, and other collateral that we can use as go-to marketing tools.We are flexible in working with the students strength and letting them choose where they are most passionate. We are also open to future employment if the student performs well.

Matches 0
Category Social media marketing + 4
NOAH Water Technologies
NOAH Water Technologies
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Alberta - Oil Field Water Treatment

We are wanting to introduce several new technologies for treating waste water in the oil and gas industry in Alberta.We need to know where to target our technologies.

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 3
NOAH Water Technologies
NOAH Water Technologies
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

US North East - Fracking Water Treatment

We are wanting to introduce several new technologies for treating wastewater in the oil and gas industry in the Northern USA.We need a market analysis done.

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 3
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Marketing Sheave Inspection Mobile App

We would like to develop a mobile app that can be used during sheave inspections.App DevelopmentPhase One:A Sheave Inspection Template for inspectors to follow.Ability to take and store photographsAn online site where the inspections can be stored, edited and sent to relevant parties.Ability to purchase new gauges through the app and/or directed to website.Phase Two (New Inspection Tools):Integration of new gauge inspection tools and more accurate measurementsPhase Three (Marketing):Ability to brand the Mobile for Industry PartnersCreate an online database to order new sheaves and other associated partsPhase Four (Advanced Measurement Tool):Ultimately we would like to build a tool that can measure the sheave dimensions using the mobile phones camera.Marketing StrategyDetermine the best industry sectors to market the tool to.Determine the best avenues for distributing the App to end users.Analyze the protential revenue streams from the app at various implementation stages; including:Advertising opportunities within the AppCo-branding the appIntegrated online/mobile ordering systemDetermine how the inspector database can be utilized as a revenue generator.

Matches 1
Category Information technology + 1
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Co-write a Manual

We have been collecting material for years on how how to correctly do Wire Rope and Sheave Inspections.The industry would benefit from a book.I don't have nearly enough time to do that so I'm looking for a co-writer.Warning, if you want to tackle this project be prepared for a lot of unpaid work.It's a technical subject but you don't need to know much about it (not many people do).It's a very niche industry so it will not be a best seller.The benefit if you successfully complete the manual is having your name on the cover which qualifies you as a published author.

Matches 0
Category Communications + 2
NOAH Water Technologies
NOAH Water Technologies
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Environmental Impact Analysis

We need to prepare information for a public hearing for an application of our technology in Pennsylvania.We want to use our evaporation technology to reduced the amount of Fracking Water that is being stored and transported through the state.As part of the application we need to know what the positive environmental and other benefits that can be achieived by utilizing our technology.In particular, the reduction of the number of trucks being used to transport fluid should provide significant air quality improvements.We need to have an analysis done to determine how much CO2 and other emissions can be reduced by utilizing our technology, along with other environmental consideration.

Matches 1
Category Accounting + 3
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Strategic Marketing Plan

Wire Rope & Sheave Gauges is a very niche business.We have found it difficult to find an effective marketing & advertising strategy outside of our website.We would like you to come up with an innovative strategy to get our message into the hands of those who could use our products.One of our strategies is to develop a mobile app for inspections.I need an evaluation of how to monetize the app once built.

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 4
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Website and Social Media Development

Wire Rope & Sheave Gauges is a very niche business.Most of our business is generated through our websites; however, all our websites need some updating.We also need to look at other Social Media opportunities.Our main website is here: https://www.wireropegauges.com/This one needs a major overhaul: http://www.sheavegauges.com/

Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 4
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Strategic Social Media Marketing Plan

We have a very niche business, we have found it difficult finding an effective marketing & advertising strategy outside of our website.We would like you to come up with an innovative strategy to get our message into the hands of those who could use our products.

Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 4
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Feasibility study for Engineering a Diagnostic Tool

As part of a multistage mobile App development process a feasibility study needs to be done to determine how a diagnostic tool can be developed, including:potential methods of acheiving the goal.cost/benefit analysis of the various options.potential accuracy and tolerances of the diagnostic tool.an implemention strategy for building the tool.

Matches 1
Category Information technology + 4
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Marketing Strategy for Sheave Gauge Inspection Mobile App

We believe this project could involve (not all aspects are necessary):A look at the potential End Users (Inspectors) of the App.Determine what features the Inspectors will want/need in the App.Develop a marketing strategy to entice Inspectors to use the App.Determining which companies supply products to the Inspectors.Determine potential Revenue Streams from the App (ie: sales off the app, referral fees, co-branding, advertising etc.)Develop a marketing strategy to attract companies identified in the Revenue StreamsProduct Branding and Trade NamesWe will give you access to organizational assets to support this project such as sales analytics, customers segments and a list of contacts who would give feedback and the necessary information to evaluate the market.

Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 3
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Mobile App for Facilitating and Recording Wire Rope and Sheave Inspections

We would like to develop a mobile app that can be used during sheave inspections.We envision this being an ongoing development process from a simple reporting system to a more sophisticated development tool. Phase One:A Sheave Inspection Template for inspectors to follow.Ability to take and store photographsAn online site where the inspections can be stored, edited and sent to relevant parties.Ability to purchase new gauges through the app and/or directed to website.Phase Two (New Inspection Tools):Integration of new gauge inspection tools and more accurate measurementsPhase Three (Marketing):Ability to brand the Mobile for Industry PartnersCreate an online database to order new sheaves and other associated partsPhase Four (Advanced Measurement Tool):Ultimately we would like to build a tool that can measure the sheave dimensions using the mobile phones camera.This could possibly be done using a laser.Another possibility would be to use existing gauge technology.

Matches 1
Category Information technology + 3