Marketing Sheave Inspection Mobile App

WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Randy Christie
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Marketing strategy Information technology
sales & marketing data analysis it design research it evaluation
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We would like to develop a mobile app that can be used during sheave inspections.

App Development

Phase One:

  • A Sheave Inspection Template for inspectors to follow.
  • Ability to take and store photographs
  • An online site where the inspections can be stored, edited and sent to relevant parties.
  • Ability to purchase new gauges through the app and/or directed to website.

Phase Two (New Inspection Tools):

  • Integration of new gauge inspection tools and more accurate measurements

Phase Three (Marketing):

  • Ability to brand the Mobile for Industry Partners
  • Create an online database to order new sheaves and other associated parts

Phase Four (Advanced Measurement Tool):

  • Ultimately we would like to build a tool that can measure the sheave dimensions using the mobile phones camera.

Marketing Strategy

  1. Determine the best industry sectors to market the tool to.
  2. Determine the best avenues for distributing the App to end users.
  3. Analyze the protential revenue streams from the app at various implementation stages; including:
  • Advertising opportunities within the App
  • Co-branding the app
  • Integrated online/mobile ordering system
  • Determine how the inspector database can be utilized as a revenue generator.

About the company

WR Sheave Gauges has the world's largest selection of Sheave Gauges. We have world-wide distribution through direct sales and through tool resellers.