Marketing Strategy for Sheave Gauge Inspection Mobile App

WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Randy Christie
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Market research Product or service launch Marketing strategy
branding competitive analysis sales & marketing business strategy marketing strategy
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We believe this project could involve (not all aspects are necessary):

  • A look at the potential End Users (Inspectors) of the App.
  • Determine what features the Inspectors will want/need in the App.
  • Develop a marketing strategy to entice Inspectors to use the App.
  • Determining which companies supply products to the Inspectors.
  • Determine potential Revenue Streams from the App (ie: sales off the app, referral fees, co-branding, advertising etc.)
  • Develop a marketing strategy to attract companies identified in the Revenue Streams
  • Product Branding and Trade Names

We will give you access to organizational assets to support this project such as sales analytics, customers segments and a list of contacts who would give feedback and the necessary information to evaluate the market.

About the company

WR Sheave Gauges has the world's largest selection of Sheave Gauges. We have world-wide distribution through direct sales and through tool resellers.