Feasibility study for Engineering a Diagnostic Tool

WR Sheaves Gauges Ltd
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Randy Christie
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Data analysis Product or service launch Information technology
data analysis sales & marketing research it design it evaluation
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

As part of a multistage mobile App development process a feasibility study needs to be done to determine how a diagnostic tool can be developed, including:

  • potential methods of acheiving the goal.
  • cost/benefit analysis of the various options.
  • potential accuracy and tolerances of the diagnostic tool.
  • an implemention strategy for building the tool.

About the company

WR Sheave Gauges has the world's largest selection of Sheave Gauges. We have world-wide distribution through direct sales and through tool resellers.