
Open projects

Projects available to all portals

ViB Digital
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
ViB Digital
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience or paid work
Computer science & IT UI design UX design Videography Website development Artificial intelligence
search engine optimization research reports user experience (ux) newsletters data-driven decision making blogs analytics content management blog posts video editing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?
  • 2 Learners required/desired*
  • Currently looking for talented and creative learners with the following skills:

  1. Figma or Adobe XD proficiency
  2. Web development expertise, especially in Front-End for web design
  3. WordPress and Elementor skills would be wonderful to have
  4. Design proficiency using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
  5. Adobe Premiere and AfterEffects skills for video editing would be beneficial.

In addition, we also require assistance with content creation for the website, including blogs, resources, e-books, newsletters, podcasts, etc.

Main Project Goal:

The primary objective of this project is to redesign the website and platform for ViB Digital. This comprehensive project will involve several essential tasks for the students, including:


- Crafting a fresh website and platform layout, prioritizing visual appeal including creating high-quality video content and ease of navigation.

- Developing a user interface that is intuitive and user-friendly.

- Ensuring seamless mobile optimization for the website and platform.

- Researching and integrating new features and technologies to enhance the user experience.

- Conducting thorough testing to ensure usability and optimal performance.

*This project offers a dynamic opportunity for students to apply their web development skills, collaborate with a real-world client, and contribute to the success of ViB Digital's online presence. It promises to be an exciting and rewarding endeavour for all involved.


Note- Students will uphold the business's confidentiality and data protection policies by signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Tasks for Learners:

By the end of this project, students should be able to demonstrate the following:

- A completely redesigned website and platform that exudes visual appeal and user-friendliness.

- A user interface that effortlessly guides users through the platform.

- Flawless mobile optimization, ensuring a seamless experience on various devices.

- Integration of new features and technologies that elevate the overall user experience.

- Rigorous testing, resulting in a website and platform that excel in both usability and performance.



Students will benefit from:

- Access to the current website and platform, along with all pertinent materials for research and design tasks.

- Access to ViB Digital's existing brand materials and vision.

- Guidance from the founder of ViB Digital.


Milestones (5-8 weeks):  Milestones will be adjusted as needed*

 Week 1-2: Research and Planning

   - Understand the business and the current website and platform's state.

   - Conduct user research to gain insights for the redesign.

   - Select the appropriate web builder platform through research.

   - Strategize customization and content organization.

 Week 3-4: Website Development

   - Propose and Develop a design prototype suitable for the Start-up digital presence.

   - Initiate website construction on the chosen web builder platform.

   - Customize templates and layouts to mirror the desired design.

   - Commence content integration.

   - Finalize the visual style and layout.

 Week 5: Testing and Optimization

   - Execute initial functionality and responsiveness testing.

   - Optimize the website for mobile devices.

   - Integrate new features and technologies as suitable.

   - Ensure peak performance and conduct a final usability test.

   - Address any identified issues or bugs.

Week 6-7: Content Management and SEO

   - Focus on content management, including additions, edits, or removals.

   - Optimize content, images, and SEO settings.

   - Implement SEO strategies such as keyword research and metadata updates.

   - Organize content effectively.

 Week 8: Final Review and Deployment

   - Conduct a comprehensive website review, including founder input.

   - Implement any necessary final adjustments.

   - Deploy the revamped website and platform.

   - Document all aspects of the project, including Instructions for Ongoing Website Maintenance (see below):


  1.  User Research Report and Platform Selection.
  2.  Design Mockups and Prototypes.
  3.  Fully Functional Website on the Web Builder Platform.
  4.  Usability Testing Report and Performance Optimization.
  5.  Final Review Documentation and Deployment.
  6. Provide clear, written instructions for maintaining and updating the website in the future, empowering the founder to ensure the site's ongoing success and user satisfaction.


Instructions for Ongoing Website Maintenance:

1. Content Management:

   - Guide on adding, editing, or removing content (text, images, videos).

   - Tips for content organization and categorization.

2. SEO Maintenance:

   - Steps for monitoring and optimizing SEO regularly.

   - Best practices for keyword research, metadata updates, and more.

3. Performance Monitoring:

   - Insights on monitoring website performance, including loading speed.

   - Guidance on addressing performance issues.

4. Security Measures:

   - Explanation of regular updates for plugins, themes, and the core platform.

   - Instructions for conducting security checks and addressing vulnerabilities.

5. Mobile Optimization:

   - Guidance on continuous mobile optimization for a seamless mobile experience.

   - Tips for responsive design and testing.

6. Content Updates:

   - Instructions for creating and publishing new content (e.g., blog posts, newsletters).

   - Insights into maintaining a consistent content schedule.

7. User Feedback and Analytics:

   - Guidance on gathering and analyzing user feedback and website analytics.

   - Assistance in making data-driven decisions for improvements.

8. Backup and Recovery:

   - Description of the process for regular website backups.

   - Instructions for restoring the website in case of issues or data loss.

9. Troubleshooting:

   - Troubleshooting tips and reliable resources for resolving common website issues


This project offers a dynamic opportunity for students to apply their web development skills, collaborate with a real-world client, and contribute to the success of ViB Digital's online presence. It promises to be an exciting and rewarding endeavour for all involved.


How will you support learners in completing the project?

Support for Learners:

I offer the following support mechanisms to assist students throughout the project

- Ongoing guidance, problem-solving input, and assistance with any challenges students may encounter.

- Regular communication channels, including Zoom meetings, email exchanges, and online feedback for task and deliverable reviews.

Supported causes
Good health and well-being
About the company

At ViB Digital, we envision a world where anyone can empower and transform their lives through conscious manifesting.

Our innovative Digital Vision Board is meant to provide not only the benefits of easily crafting personalized dream boards digitally in minutes, coupled with powerful features for an outstanding sensorial experience for users; but also, be the first in introducing bigger and more vivid images on large screens, promoting deeper connections and outstanding sensorial experiences for users, bringing them closer to achieving their goals.