Kurtis Gregor
Kurtis Gregor
Marketing & Communications Manager
Communications Market research Marketing strategy Information technology Media

Recent projects

Sled Island Music & Arts Festival
Sled Island Music & Arts Festival

Targeting New Markets

Sled Island takes pride in its culturally diverse programming, but still struggles to reach culturally diverse audiences. While the people of Calgary's downtown core are in high attendance for the festival each year, other quadrants of the city, specifically the north east, are very hard to reach from a marketing perspective. We want you to help us bridge the gap between diverse programming and diverse audiences in order to increase sales and encourage more inclusivity in our community and at our festival. Focus may include, but is not limited to:Market researchPromotion strategyCommunity outreachCommunications planningProject management Developing recommendations of how we can improve our outreach/profitabilityThe final project can be flexible. We want to walk away from this with in-depth recommendations and plans of action of how to reach these new audiences and realistically extend our reach and increase our profit annually.

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 4
Sled Island Music & Arts Festival
Sled Island Music & Arts Festival

Sales and Fundraising: Reaching New Audiences

The Sled Island Music & Arts Festival is a registered charity, meaning we are dependent not only on sales, but on sponsorship and donations. There are certain demographics we are not reaching which we believe would help us with both sales and donations. First, we would like to reach millennials/students around the age of 18-24 from a sales perspective. The majority of our return attendees grew up with the festival (est. 2007), and have been coming ever since. We would like to connect with the younger crowd with hopes of them buying festival passes and becoming return attendees every year as well. Secondly, we would love to reach the older generation/baby boomers with disposable income from a charity perspective. It is a constant struggle to gather donations each year, but we believe that we aren't reaching the crowd that would typically donate to charity. We want to build awareness and gain traction with that audience. We are asking you to help us overcome these obstacles. We are looking for new actions, ideas and proposals of how to expand our market from different perspectives, in order to increase both sales and donations. Focus may include, but is not limited to:Market researchPromotion strategyFundraising strategy Communications planningProject management Developing recommendations of how we can improve our outreach/profitability in each sectorThe final project can be flexible. These obstacles are somewhat new. We only became a registered charity in 2018, and our key age demographic has been slowly changing over the years. Therefore there are new frontiers to explore. We want to walk away from this with in-depth recommendations and plans of action of how to reach these new audiences and realistically increase our profit annually.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 3
Sled Island Music & Arts Festival
Sled Island Music & Arts Festival

Targeting New Markets

Sled Island takes pride in its culturally diverse programming, but still struggles to reach culturally diverse audiences. While the people of Calgary's downtown core are in high attendance for the festival each year, other quadrants of the city, specifically the north east, are very hard to reach from a marketing perspective. We want you to help us bridge the gap between diverse programming and diverse audiences in order to increase sales and encourage more inclusivity in our community and at our festival. Focus may include, but is not limited to:Market researchPromotion strategyCommunity outreachCommunications planningProject management Developing recommendations of how we can improve our outreach/profitabilityThe final project can be flexible. We want to walk away from this with in-depth recommendations and plans of action of how to reach these new audiences and realistically extend our reach and increase our profit annually.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 3
Sled Island Music & Arts Festival
Sled Island Music & Arts Festival

Video Development for Advertising and Promotion

Our goal is to have a team shoot and edit video at the 2020 Sled Island Music & Arts Festival. Right now, especially in advertising, video is king. We would like to have lots of footage shot throughout our five-day festival which could then be used for advertising (specifically Facebook ads), and promotion through our own social media channels. We want to sell the experience of the festival to people who have never been. To accomplish this, we believe you will need:A video production team that can shoot in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, preferably from June 24-28, 2020 (but we can be flexible). Please note, the videos don't necessarily have to capture high quality sound, as it is intended to have music over the footage in the advertisements.Experience in video editing.An understanding of music festival culture and an interest in music and art. Final deliverables should include:Multiple edited videos (the more the merrier) created from footage from the festival, ranging anywhere from five seconds to one minute long (for advertising purposes).All shot footage, which Sled Island will claim ownership of and will be able to access for future use. Timelines/completion dates are flexible. If it makes sense for one course to shoot the video, and another course to edit the footage, that would be acceptable. The footage needs to be shot during the festival (June 24-28, 2020), but the final edited deliverables would realistically not be needed until the end of the year, or even early 2021. Whatever works!

Matches 0
Category Visual arts + 3


Public Relations, Bachelor of Communication
Mount Royal University
September 1 - July 1