Rick Stachel
Data analysis Healthcare Market research Product or service launch Marketing analytics


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Gannon University
Gannon University

Healthcare Strategic Plan

GMHA 799

Jun 24, 2024 - Aug 13, 2024

This is the capstone course in the Master of Healthcare Administration Program, and it consolidates learning from every other course in a real-life strategic analysis of a healthcare organization. The course focuses on the main processes in planning and delivering healthcare to the community, such as needs assessment, feasibility studies, strategic marketing design, and implementation and evaluation strategies and methods. The course is intended to be a practical, interesting, exciting, and informative culmination for the MHA program.

Matches 1
Category Marketing strategy + 4
Gannon University
Gannon University

Healthcare Strategic Plan

Jun 26, 2023 - Aug 13, 2023

This is the capstone course in the Master of Healthcare Administration Program, and it consolidates learning from every other course in a real-life strategic analysis of a healthcare organization. The course focuses on the main processes in planning and delivering healthcare to the community, such as needs assessment, feasibility studies, strategic marketing design, and implementation and evaluation strategies and methods. The course is intended to be a practical, interesting, exciting, and informative culmination for the MHA program.

Matches 3
Category Marketing strategy + 4
Gannon University
Gannon University

Integrated Business Strategy and Analytics - F22


Sep 13, 2022 - Dec 7, 2022

Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Gannon University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program/course will complete a culminating project in which they will develop and present a data-driven strategic plan to improve the performance and sustainability of an organization. The primary goal of this course is the challenge students to apply powerful quantitative strategies and techniques to analyze business and market data to improve decision outcomes across all the functional areas of an organization.

Matches 3
Category Competitive analysis + 3