Denise Davis-Gains
Denise Davis-Gains
Denise Davis-Gains
Simcoe, Ontario, Canada

Past university and college professor growing a social enterprise business from a small local yoga studio to a global enterprise. Denise is a yoga teachers' yoga teacher. An expert in yoga and diverse back ground in wellness, communications, marketing and promotions, public relations, equity, activism and a keen desire to be a force for good in the world. Keen listener and can interrupt and be interrupted equally well. Denise is an idea person. Being on Riipen is about birthing those ideas into reality. Generous of spirit and family focused, Denise is a strong leader with clear vision who is open to creating a work placement to be remembered and focused on building the teams that will take Atlas Yoga Studio & School into the global market as a strong competitor.

The Category section only allows for 5 areas of focus - we are growing rapidly. We are open to working with most students we will have a project. There really isn't an area that we cannot improve on.

Data analysis Advertising Digital marketing Public relations Media


Latest feedback

Recent projects

Atlas Studio
Atlas Studio
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Creating Graphic Design Assets - Poster Series

Our company has had the same design assets for several years, and although we have enjoyed this branding, we are looking to revamp and update our brand book. This may involve: Creating a new a poster template that is new, but still aligned with our existing branding including fonts, colors, logo usage and imagery to be used.Meeting with the project manager to evaluate the choices made for the poster series to ensure it is aligned with company branding goals, and making any necessary revisions.Designing and presenting thumbnails for design assets (banner ad, illustration, infographic, etc) based on the branding guide to be included in a proposal and presented to the project manager.Executing the full designs for each branding asset, based on the approved thumbnails.Creating multiple thumbnails with different color schemes based on the colors in the branding guide.Creating camera ready art work that is ready to be printed

Matches 1
Category Graphic design + 3
Atlas Studio
Atlas Studio
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Indigenous Yoga Program for At Risk Youth

To work with the founding director to create an educational program designed to give at risk youth access to the tools and technology of an indigenous informed yoga program. Collaborate on the content of the program based on SMART goals. Create a beta version of the course that can be tested with a group of students.Use the feedback to improve and create a final version of the course that can be launched in the Spring of 2024.

Matches 2
Category UX design + 3
Atlas Studio
Atlas Studio
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Digital Content Creation

Our company advertises thousands of products online. We hope to revamp our social media and email marketing content to attract more customers.We would like students to help us create content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our company’s products, marketing goals and target market.Researching factors affecting the quality of digital content.Recommending changes to existing digital content and designing new social media posts and emails.Recommending and designing new digital content not already used by our company.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Testing and improving designs based on feedback.

Matches 0
Category Communications + 3
Atlas Studio
Atlas Studio
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Virtual Assistant

We are looking to work with a student who might enjoy learning how to be or honing their skills as a virtual assistant. The student would attend meetings, take communication notes and post those notes in SLACK in the appropriate channel for the notes. The student could get involved in a variety of tasks based on their interest. The range of tasks include: transcribing written notes, creating templates, social media; course content creation/editing; website editing; research - competitive analysis, keywords, data mining and more. We are open to creating the work placement around the students interests and ability. Create a system for competition analysis. Help to choose a Customer Service or Retention Software package. Set up a CSX system. Create a bookkeeping system for project management. Search for and fill out grant applications.

Matches 2
Category Competitive analysis + 4