
Open projects

Projects available to all portals

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Marketing Graphic design Videography Market research Sales strategy Artificial intelligence
content creation target audience social media content creation nutraceuticals market analysis social media analytics business planning social media campaigns content strategy social media strategy
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Week 1-2: 

  1. Week 1: Getting to know DansFarmaroot and DFEnergy -  I will be more than happy to meet the students the first Day of the assignment
  • Overview of DansFarmaRoot and their new product, DFEnergy.
  • Explanation of the target audience: international e-sport gamers.
  1. Week 2: Company Deep Dive
  • Detailed discussion about DansFarmaRoot's mission, values, and market positioning.
  • Introduction to the DFEnergy product specifications.
  • Overview of the competitive landscape in the energy drink market.

Week 3-5: Market Research and Analysis

  1. Week 3: Target Audience Analysis
  • Understanding the behavior, preferences, and demographics of international e-sport gamers.
  • Identifying key platforms they use, focusing on TikTok and Discord.
  1. Week 4: Competitor Analysis
  • In-depth analysis of competitors in the energy drink market.
  • Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  1. Week 5: SWOT Analysis
  • Students perform a SWOT analysis for DFEnergy.
  • Identify unique selling propositions.

Week 6-8: Social Media Strategy Development

  1. Week 6: TikTok Strategy
  • Understanding TikTok trends.
  • Developing a content strategy for TikTok to engage e-sport gamers.
  1. Week 7: Discord Engagement
  • Understanding the dynamics of Discord.
  • Developing strategies for community engagement on Discord.
  1. Week 8: Integrated Social Media Plan
  • Creating an integrated plan for TikTok and Discord.  
  • Focusing on cross-promotion and consistency in messaging.

Week 9-11: Campaign Implementation

  1. Week 9: Content Creation
  • Students start creating content for TikTok and Discord.
  • Ensure the content aligns with DFEnergy's brand image.
  1. Week 10: Influencer Collaborations
  • Identifying and reaching out to influencers in the gaming community.
  • Planning collaborations and partnerships.
  1. Week 11: Campaign Launch
  • Launching the social media campaign on TikTok and Discord.
  • Monitoring initial responses and engagement.

Week 12-14: Evaluation and Refinement

  1. Week 12: Analytics and Metrics
  • Introduction to social media analytics tools.
  • Students analyze campaign performance.
  1. Week 13: Feedback and Refinement
  • Collecting feedback from the target audience.
  • Identifying areas for improvement and refinement.
  1. Week 14: Final Presentation
  • Students present their detailed business plan, including strategies, results, and lessons learned.
  • Q&A and feedback session.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

This I believe will provide students with hands-on experience in developing and executing a social media marketing campaign for a real-world product targeting a specific audience. It covers various aspects, including market analysis, social media strategy, content creation, and performance evaluation.

Additionally this gives the students a hands on real life experience developing a strategy for an exciting new product launch that is healthy on target and on trend.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

Your students will have full access to the founder, myself Daniel 7 days a week via email, text, Whatsapp, We Chat and zoom. In addition:

1. Access to Information:

  • Product Information: Provide detailed information about DFEnergy, its ingredients, benefits, and unique selling points. This will help students understand the product thoroughly.
  • Market Insights: Share insights into the target market, including the preferences, behaviors, and challenges of international e-sport gamers.

2. I am avaialble to all students in group or individually via zoom:

  • Q&A Sessions, brain storming sessions.

3. Resources and Materials:

  • Marketing Collateral: Share marketing materials, branding guidelines, and any existing content that can serve as a reference or inspiration for the students.
  • Access to Data: Provide relevant data and statistics that can support students in their market research and analysis.

5. Feedback and Guidance:

  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule periodic check-ins with representatives from DansFarmaRoot to review the students' progress, offer feedback, and address any questions or concerns.
  • Free to listen in on mock presentations: Conduct mock presentation sessions to help students refine their pitches and receive constructive feedback.

6. Networking Opportunities:

  • Industry Contacts: Introduce students to professionals in the industry who can offer insights, mentorship, or potential collaboration opportunities. For example my lab and R&D team as well as my marketing agency, The Justin Poy Agency!

7. Real-world Data and Challenges:

  • Access to Real Data: Provide relevant data related to DansFarmaRoot's previous marketing efforts or market research, allowing students to work with real-world information.
  • Problem-solving Scenarios: Present students with real challenges or scenarios that DansFarmaRoot is facing, encouraging them to develop innovative solutions.

Supported causes
Good health and well-being
About the company
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Consumer goods & services, Food & beverage, Marketing & advertising, Sales, Trade & international business

DansFarmaRoot, founded by Dan Kaye, is an innovative Canadian nutraceutical company revolutionizing the AgTech sector through AI-driven solutions. Specializing in high-quality Canadian Ginseng products, DansFarmaRoot leverages advanced AI technologies for market analysis, customer engagement, and product development.

Our flagship product, DFENERGY, caters to diverse consumer needs, including health and wellness enthusiasts, shift workers, professionals, students, eSports gamers, and men seeking natural remedies for erectile dysfunction.

Collaborating with top tech universities, DansFarmaRoot pioneers cutting-edge AI applications to optimize marketing strategies and expand their global reach, making health and wellness smarter and more accessible.