
Open projects

Projects available to all portals

The Clean Divorce
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Suzanne Winlove-Smith
Ceo, Founder
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Design & creative UI design UX design
user interface (ui) user interface (ui) design
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is to revamp the user interface and experience of The Clean Divorce website and Roadmap to focus on improving navigation and visual appeal. This will involve several different steps for the students, including:

- Analyzing the existing website and Roadmap to identify areas for improvement in navigation and visual appeal.

- Developing a new user interface design that enhances the overall user experience.

- Implementing the new design into the existing website and Roadmap.

- Testing the new user interface to ensure improved navigation and visual appeal.

- Gathering feedback from users and making any necessary adjustments to the design.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, students should demonstrate:

- Understanding of the existing website and Roadmap's navigation and visual appeal.

- Development of a new user interface design that enhances the overall user experience.

- Implementation of the new design into the existing website and Roadmap.

- Testing and feedback gathering process for the new user interface.

Final deliverables should include:

- All source materials for the new user interface design.

- A written report explaining the design process and outcomes.

- A presentation showcasing the improvements made to the website and Roadmap.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

We will make ourselves fully available to the students. We will schedule regular calls with the students to answer questions, provide feedback and offer any type of mentorship needed.

Supported causes
Good health and well-being
About the company

The cost of divorce and family breakdown are well documented. The Divorce Act was recently changed to reflect the insurmountable costs to social services, families & communities. T.C.D.aims to meet a pressing need and foster better social, emotional, and economic outcomes for our kids, parents and communities. Traditional divorce is like raging against the storm - time, energy and money - misdirected against an inevitable negative outcome that is impacts everyone. Parental alienation is rising along with mental illness and studies indicate that teenage suicide is directly linked to family breakdown. The divorce process is inherently destabilizing - people feel overwhelmed, hopeless, and "divorce crazy." a term often used in amongst Family lawyers . Rates of domestic violence rise over 80% during relationship breakdown. T.C.D. is an integrated system that focuses on prevention in a simple way empowering and supporting families during these critical times.