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Fall 2024 Agribusiness Management
AREC 428
Are you looking for interested individuals to provide economic and business-related insights into your agricultural company? Our 4th year BA students are eager to assess your agricultural practices on a variety of aspects. Students can provide a business analysis, that takes business management practices, as well as a range of different financial analyses and recommendations into account. All aspects of the student work will be tailored to the business issue as you have identified it. If interested, you'll be taking on a group of students for a multi-week project.
Sustainability and Energy Security Consulting Project
ENVS 846
This is a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with Environmental Science graduate students from the Master of Sustainability: Energy Security program at the University of Saskatchewan over a 1-2 year period. The students will work on creating a community energy plan focused on renewable and clean energy initiatives, with a strong emphasis on engaging with Indigenous communities. As we complete student enrollments for the upcoming semester, we will share detailed information about project commitments and workload at the start of the Fall term, ensuring that all parties are aligned with the objectives. Please note: The students will be responsible for picking project partners and aligning project deliverables alongside their instructor. Students will be bringing the following skills: Intercultural Communication, Sustainability and Systems Thinking, Facilitation and Community Engagement, Research and Analysis, Project Management, Feasibility and Economic Assessment, Policy and Regulatory Analysis, Traditional Knowledge Integration, Negotiation and Reflective Skills, Program Development
Agribusiness Marketing Management
AREC 347
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from the University of Saskatchewan to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program/course focus on the role of the agri-marketing manager as a decision maker who is often responsible for formulating strategic marketing for the agribusiness firm. Topics include the agricultural and agribusiness marketing environment, managing marketing channels, measuring and monitoring market targets for products/services, and the metrics utilized by marketing managers. The marketing activities of Saskatchewan's agribusinesses will be examined.
Fall 2023 Agribusiness Management
AREC 428
Are you looking for interested individuals to provide economic and business-related insights into your agricultural company? Our 4th year BA students are eager to assess your agricultural practices on a variety of aspects. Students can provide a business analysis, that takes business management practices, as well as a range of different financial analyses and recommendations into account. All aspects of the student work will be tailored to the business issue as you have identified it. If interested, you'll be taking on a group of students for a multi-week project.
Organization and Management of Nutrition Services
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from the University of Saskatchewan to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program/course focus on managerial decision making relevant to managing organizational change, human resources, and financial management in food service systems in a range of settings in public and private sectors. Using a combination of lectures, case studies, and problems students examine current issues in food service systems and practices and apply quality improvement mechanisms in their management.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone Design Course
Are you looking for teams of four senior electrical and/or computer engineering students to work together to solve an open-ended design problem for your company? We have eager 4th year students from University of Saskatchewan who are ready to work on both the theoretical and implementation aspects of an electrical/computer engineering design problem. Each team is assigned an experienced support engineer or faculty member to help guide the design process. This is a two-term design course. In the first term (Sept-Dec), students largely work on problem and scope definition, requirements analysis, brainstorming and evaluation of alternatives, and high-level system design. The second term (Jan - Apr) mostly focuses on detailed design, implementation, and testing of the chosen solution. If feasible, groups often construct prototypes to evaluate and demonstrate their designs. Limited funding is provided by the university to support this activity.
Agribusiness Marketing Management
AREC 347
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from the University of Saskatchewan to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program/course focus on the role of the agri-marketing manager as a decision maker who is often responsible for formulating strategic marketing for the agribusiness firm. Topics include the agricultural and agribusiness marketing environment, managing marketing channels, measuring and monitoring market targets for products/services, and the metrics utilized by marketing managers. The marketing activities of Saskatchewan's agribusinesses will be examined.
Fall 2022 Agribusiness Management
AREC 428
Are you looking for interested individuals to provide economic and business-related insights into your agricultural company? Our 4th year BA students are eager to assess your agricultural practices on a variety of aspects. Students can provide a business analysis, that takes business management practices, as well as a range of different financial analyses and recommendations into account. All aspects of the student work will be tailored to the business issue as you have identified it. If interested, you'll be taking on a group of students for a multi-week project.
Graduate Professional Skills Certificate (Banking and Finance)
GPS 974
**Looking for Fin-tech organizations** Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on a Graduate or Post-Doc student from University of Saskatchewan to be your student-consultants in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester. In the semester prior to working with you, these Graduate students and Post-Doctoral fellows identify their learning goals around a specific set of professional skills that they would like to further develop. These skills fall within a wide range of professional skills that enable graduate students to excel in responsibly engaging and leading our complex global communities into the future. They construct a learning plan, and take on self-driven opportunities to develop these skills. After completing this personal development, while documenting and reflecting on these learnings, students will work with your organization to apply their skills to benefit your organizational needs.
Applied Research Project
NORD 870
The goal of the ARP is for students to learn community based project development and knowledge discovery. The project topic is in relation to issues identified as important to the prosperity of the community and significant to northern governance and sustainable development. It is anticipated that as graduate learners, students will develop confidence, capacity, and skills in project management, inter-professional collaboration, leadership, critical analyses and knowledge mobilization. In addition to gaining knowledge and developing skills, students also build capacity by: providing experience working with industry, government, indigenous organizations and institutions and other organizations and stakeholders; fostering professional networks; and serving the research needs of northern community organizations and other stakeholders. Collectively, the ARP will demonstrate a breadth and diversity of northern-focused concepts that challenge students to be creative and innovative.
Spreadsheet Modelling for Business Decisions
COMM 393.3 (01 & 03)
In this course, students have gained a deep understanding in using Excel to model business problems to help managers make better decisions, regardless of their functional areas. Students have been introduced to the use of optimization (linear programming, network models, integer programming, and nonlinear programming) and simulation. To do this, students will use the Solver add-in. The entire course is made of workshops (i.e., no lectures). The first two weeks will be dedicated to a complete review of Excel, preparing them to work on a project with your organization.
Fall 2021 Agribusiness Management
AREC 428
Are you looking for interested individuals to provide economic and business-related insights into your agricultural company? Our 4th year BA students are eager to assess your agricultural practices on a variety of aspects. Students can provide a business analysis, that takes business management practices, as well as a range of different financial analyses and recommendations into account. All aspects of the student work will be tailored to the business issue as you have identified it. If interested, you'll be taking on a group of students for a multi-week project.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone Design Course
Are you looking for teams of four senior electrical and/or computer engineering students to work together to solve an open-ended design problem for your company? We have eager 4th year students from University of Saskatchewan who are ready to work on both the theoretical and implementation aspects of an electrical/computer engineering design problem. Each team is assigned an experienced support engineer or faculty member to help guide the design process. This is a two-term design course. In the first term (Sept-Dec), students largely work on problem and scope definition, requirements analysis, brainstorming and evaluation of alternatives, and high-level system design. The second term (Jan - Apr) mostly focuses on detailed design, implementation, and testing of the chosen solution. If feasible, groups often construct prototypes to evaluate and demonstrate their designs. Limited funding is provided by the university to support this activity.
EcoHack 2020
Industry and Community partners pose challenges to EcoHack participants that centre around environment and sustainability issues that exist in their field. Our partners pose these challenges, and students choose which challenge they feel most passionate about. If your challenge is chosen, students work tirelessly to come up with the most creative and innovative solutions to the problem that they can and present it to the community partner. We've had several examples of the student's solutions being adopted or implemented in real life!
Business Analytics
COMM 498
Are you looking for students to work on a data analytics project, related to your business? Our students from the University of Saskatchewan are looking to complete a quantitative analysis of any aspect of your business, and provide you with insights and recommendations derived from your company's data. Students are trained in Business Analytics, and have developed skills and tools for analysing the complexities of today’s competitive business environment to inform management decisions.
Agribusiness Management
AREC 428
Are you looking for interested individuals to provide economic and business-related insights into your agricultural company? Our 4th year BA students are eager to assess your agricultural practices on a variety of aspects. Students can provide a business analysis, that takes business management practices, as well as a range of different financial analyses and recommendations into account. All aspects of the student work will be tailored to the business issue as you have identified it. If interested, you'll be taking on a group of students for a multi-week project.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone Design Course
Are you looking for teams of four senior electrical and/or computer engineering students to work together to solve an open-ended design problem for your company? We have eager 4th year students from University of Saskatchewan who are ready to work on both the theoretical and implementation aspects of an electrical/computer engineering design problem. Each team is assigned an experienced support engineer or faculty member to help guide the design process. This is a two-term design course. In the first term (Sept-Dec), students largely work on problem and scope definition, requirements analysis, brainstorming and evaluation of alternatives, and high-level system design. The second term (Jan - Apr) mostly focuses on detailed design, implementation, and testing of the chosen solution. If feasible, groups often construct prototypes to evaluate and demonstrate their designs. Limited funding is provided by the university to support this activity.
Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design Course
ME 495.6
This course is the capstone design class for the Mechanical Engineering program, focusing on the synthesis and design of mechanical engineering components and systems. Students work in groups as design teams to solve engineering design problems for companies and not-for-profits. Each design group has four students and is assigned a faculty advisor to guide their progress. This is a two-term course spanning from September 2020 to April 2021. Companies submit project proposals in July and August. The course begins in September and concludes in April. During this time, the group works with their company to set objectives, determine the scope of the work, evaluate potential design options, and develop a solution that meet's the company's needs. Design groups will search the literature, brainstorm design alternatives, analyze and test the promising alternatives, build and test models, simulate processes, and estimate costs.
Productivity and efficiency are important to the success of all organizations. A group of cognitive psychology students will work with your human services organization to identify areas in which procrastination takes place and develop strategies for decreasing it to enhance efficiency and productivity. Cognitive psychology involves the study of mental processes, such as perception, thinking, remembering, learning, and problem solving.
Market Research for Decision Making
Guided by your organizational objectives, a group of student-researchers will gather and analyze data in order to provide you with key insights and strategic recommendations.
Simulation Modelling and Virtual Testing using Differential Equations
MATH 314
This assignment focuses on the students writing software to simulate a mathematical model involving ordinary differential equations.