Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Safi is a non profit creating a safe and transparent dairy supply chain in East Africa.

Number of employees
2 - 10 employees
Company website
Mechanical engineering Engineering project management Electrical engineering
Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society

Recent projects

Social Media posts for Non-Profit

Hi! Safi is a non-profit providing East African farmers with a cost effective and accessible pasteurization device that kills milk-borne diseases such as brucellosis, mastitis, salmonella, and even MERS, a coronavirus 10x deadlier than COVID-19. The mission of Safi is two-fold: to provide safe drinking milk, especially to children and pregnant women who rely on milk for essential nutrients, and to help farmers rise out of poverty through the increased revenues from selling pasteurized milk. Our team at Safi has an Instagram account at the moment that we have a few posts on. We would like to post more regularly and create a pipeline of posts that we can post. These would include graphics about the problem space we are working on, our solution, impact metrics as well as photos of our travels to East Africa. You can also find out more about our work and branding at

Admin Mimi Kabir
Matches 2
Category Social media marketing

One Page Website Development for Non-Profit

Hi! Safi is a non-profit providing East African farmers with a cost effective and accessible pasteurization device that kills milk-borne diseases such as brucellosis, mastitis, salmonella, and even MERS, a coronavirus 10x deadlier than COVID-19. The mission of Safi is two-fold: to provide safe drinking milk, especially to children and pregnant women who rely on milk for essential nutrients, and to help farmers rise out of poverty through the increased revenues from selling pasteurized milk. Our team at Safi has our website currently built on Wix. However, to save costs, we would like to have it coded out instead (most likely using HTML, CSS and Javascript unless you recommend differently). Our current website can be found at - we have a few design changes we would like to make that we have already completed on Figma that we can share once the project is started, but most of the elements of the site will stay as is. We want the site to be built in a way that it is responsive for different screen sizes.

Admin Mimi Kabir
Matches 2
Category Website development

Adding Liquid Temperature Sensor to Product (Electrical Engineering)

Safi is a nonprofit initiative aimed at providing Kenyan herders with safe to drink milk. We are doing this by providing them with a pasteurization handle that pasteurizes your milk before consuming. The main goal for this project is to add a temperature sensor to the handle, so that it signals (through beep or colour or any suggestion) to a user when the milk has reached a certain temperature and pasteurization is completed. Our one pager can be found here: Our website is:

Admin Mimi Kabir
Matches 1
Category Mechanical engineering + 2

Adding Liquid Temperature Sensor to Product (Electrical Engineering)

Safi is a nonprofit initiative aimed at providing Kenyan herders with safe to drink milk. We are doing this by providing them with a pasteurization handle that pasteurizes your milk before consuming. The main goal for this project is to add a temperature sensor to the handle, so that it signals (through beep or colour or any suggestion) to a user when the milk has reached a certain temperature and pasteurization is completed. Our one pager can be found here: Our website is:

Admin Mimi Kabir
Matches 1
Category Mechanical engineering + 2

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