Alaa Al-Azzawi
Alaa Al-Azzawi
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

New Product Design Insights & Prototype

To expand our product offering with a new ergonomically-designed line, we need insights into how we can redesign existing popular equipment and what products have the most design potential. We believe this project will require:Researching existing products and technical involvement Defining current needs and limitations for potential products.Developing a prototype of a recommended product design.We are interested in gaining insights on popular products that could be redesigned to be more usable and comfortable and included in our new ergonomic line. We would also like a prototype of a single product to be included in our new line. The final deliverables include: In hand experience and help towards our robotic development, design and prototypingDay to day technical involvement on design and BOM creation Assembly documents creation for the robotic product

Matches 1
Category Computer science - general + 4
CSV Midstream Solutions Corp
CSV Midstream Solutions Corp
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

IT Business Continuity with Disaster Recovery Focus

Our Goal:We are slowly moving to cloud based servers, however we do not have a detailed disaster recovery plan created.Our goal is to have the students review and evaluate our current business continuity procedures (at the moment we have a few procedures in place however nothing concrete) then provide recommendations on updating plan. We want to develop a detailed, written business continuity plan following industry standards.What we expect the students to work on:Evaluate our current business continuity proceduresProvide advice based on industry standards for creating a planOur network is mostly virtualized (VMWare is the platform used)Currently using VMWare back up software.Create a failover system (ie create a plan to start up remotely or in the cloud should something occur in order to be able to provide IT services 24/7)Experience in networks and storage is preferredExpected DeliverableA written review and report of current and recommended disaster recovery plan based on industry standards.

Matches 1
Category Information technology + 2