Thomas Heringer
Thomas Heringer
Operations Leader
Operations Project management Market expansion Product or service launch

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Recent projects

eHacks Events
eHacks Events
London, Ontario, Canada

Online Course Curriculum Development

The goal for this project will be to outline a set of key concepts and learnings, of the students' choosing, that will ultimately comprise an immersive online experience for students to explore technology, innovation, and business. The end product of the students' work will be a script which can be transformed into an online course with the assistance of voice actors and our team of programmers.

Matches 1
Category Education
eHacks Events
eHacks Events
London, Ontario, Canada

On-Campus Marketing Plan

Much of eHacks' operations on campus is run by campus ambassadors and student volunteers. The goal for this project will be to create marketing materials and a marketing plan to recruit the next team of superstars that will run eHacks at our partner universities. The marketing plan can be for one school, many of them, or all of them!

Matches 1
Category Digital marketing + 3
eHacks Events
eHacks Events
London, Ontario, Canada

Workshop Materials

eHacks, regardless of where we go in the future, will always focus on education. Every year, we brainstorm through dozens of workshops to offer students on a wide breadth of topics from UI design, to programming, to making a business plan. In this project, you will work with a team to create workshop materials, complete with an instructor's guide, to be added to our workshop collection. Our goal is to create a library of workshop resources which can be delivered by eHacks across many different venues.

Matches 1
Category Education
eHacks Events
eHacks Events
London, Ontario, Canada

Relocation Initiative - Where should we move?

Students will conduct a competitive analysis of different schools across Ontario to determine where eHacks' value proposition would generate the highest ROI.Today, eHacks is based out of Western University. Western has a brilliant pool of students and an unparalleled focus on business-focused technical education, due to the unique partnerships between the Western Faculty of Engineering and the Ivey School of Business. We've benefitted greatly from this collaboration, since entrepreneurial minded students flock to Western and engage with eHacks' events (for the most part, our annual hackathons). However, there are now 4 annual events at Western that accomplish similar goals to eHacks.If we were a typical business, we would compete and try to re-capture our lost market share. However, we're a non-profit. We are determined to relocate our operations to another school that needs it most, to help them build a strong entrepreneurial eco-system. The question is: which school?

Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 2