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Internship: Affordable Home Ownership for First Time Buyers (BC and ON)
Number of positions available: 3 teams of 3 persons Virtual Internship: Affordable Home Ownership for First Time Buyers (BC and ON) The project could be fulfilled by a team of up to 3, on each campus. We encourage several students to apply! The mandate for the students will be to assist in the launch of Carpe Diem’s online Mortgage and Home Ownership Primer course and the introduction of our Live to OwnTM program for home ownership. The student team’s primary area of focus will be to develop and manage the on and off-line channels for promoting public awareness of the Live to OwnTM program and the opportunity it provides for affordable home ownership in Canada’s expensive metropolitan markets, starting with their own campus. We will offer a series of webinars that introduce both the course and the Live to OwnTM program to campus groups initially, and expand public interest from there beyond campus boundaries and into the surrounding real estate market catchment area. Our distribution strategy starts with a focus on university campus’ and access to our target clientele – highly educated and career oriented adults who will find that home ownership may actually be closer to reality for them than they may have thought. The plan is to offer our online course to students, and to introduce the Live to OwnTM program to them and their families, as well as to employers. Student reps on each campus will collaborate to coordinate social media and other promotional efforts to gain attention to the program, and then hold a series of webinars that introduce both the online mortgage course and Live to OwnTM. Successful execution of the market awareness plan is intended to generate both part-time and full-time positions with our company, serving demand in the real estate catchment area of each campus. The students would have to have a good fundamental grasp of financing, and specifically of mortgages and real estate. Upon confirmation of a student's involvement, a pre-requisite for commencing the internship will be that the student: 1. Becomes familiar with Carpe Diem’s brand DNA – our target clientele, our Mission, Vision, and Values, our concept for inter-generational housing environments with intentional community, and our vision for the Live to OwnTM program and the online financial literacy course; 2. Completes the online mortgage literacy course - requiring approx. 2 hours. Our goal at the end of this experience is: We will be ready to show funders the pre-launch steps taken to promote the Live to OwnTM program and the financial literacy online course, and evidence of the market's reaction to and support of our program. We'll have developed the distribution plan and budgets, and we'll have assembled a team to execute the plan. Duties the students may complete could include: In keeping with the above, and based on their skills and interests, students may take on these duties: • Serve as Campus Ambassador; · Create and curate new content; • Investigate sources and costs for graphics, photography, video, website redevelopment; • Research communication channels to optimize integrated advertising, promotion, and public relations, including paid channels - and estimate costs. Target audiences include B-to-B and B-to-C; • Liaise with on-campus program heads & student clubs, recruiters, employers, professional industry associations and their members; · Design and manage the social media campaign for inbound marketing signups and referrals, ensuring privacy and regulatory compliance; · Build and manipulate Excel financial models. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: • Weekly team video calls • Group and individual email • Team document creation, editing, storage, and access – using Riipen, Google Docs, or Microsoft Teams Student's primary contact: Pat Frewer, company founder and president Secondary contact: Leah Albrecht, Pat’s Executive Assistant

Automated Rent-to-Own Calculator for First Home Ownership
• Build, test, and refine the Live to OwnTM Calculator. Live to OwnTM is a game changing, disruptive technology in real estate financing that sets renters up to be co-investors with their landlords. They earn a portion of the equity gain in the home they intend to own, during their last years as a renter. The Live to OwnTM Calculator we’ll build in this project will give applicants an instant screen view of the way their rent will relate to how they build equity in their home, and eventually qualify for a mortgage and become the owner.

Virtual Internship 2021: Home Ownership for First Time Buyers (BC and ON)
Virtual Internship: Affordable Home Ownership for First Time Buyers in Prince George, BC The project could be fulfilled by a team of up to 4, on each campus. The mandate for the students will be to assist in the introduction and launch of Carpe Diem’s Live to OwnTM program for home ownership, and our associated online Mortgage and Home Ownership Primer course, in the marketing of the 36-unit Quebec Street House condominium offering in Prince George, BC. The student team’s primary area of focus will be to serve as Client Care Coordinators to prospects who sign up on the project website to register their interest in the program. Prospects will be grouped into 4 categories of purchaser, based on their financial means and their need for the program. Then they will be assisted in applying to the program, qualifying, and eventually completing the necessary documentation to participate. Demonstrating the marketing process for Live to OwnTM Successful execution of the Quebec Street House marketing process is expected to generate an over-subscription and 100% pre-sale by the time construction completes in May of 2022. This will serve as our pilot project, and will build credibility with the development community, and with financial sources including CMHC and major institutional lenders. The program is expected to move across the country and eventually to establish branch operations in all provinces, which will in turn generate both part-time and full-time paid positions with our company, serving demand in the various regional real estate markets. Pre-requisite: Knowledge of mortgage finance The students would have to have a good fundamental grasp of financing, and specifically of mortgages and real estate financing. Upon confirmation of a student's involvement, a pre-requisite for commencing the internship will be that the student: 1. Becomes familiar with Carpe Diem’s brand DNA – our target clientele, our Mission, Vision, and Values, our vision for the Live to OwnTM program and the online financial literacy course, and our longer range concept for inter-generational housing environments with intentional community; 2. Completes the online mortgage literacy course - requiring approx. 2 hours; 3. Spends an estimated 2 hours familiarizing themselves (through online access) with the Quebec Street House project and with competing offerings in the area market. Our goal at the end of this experience is: We will pre-sell the Quebec Street House project, while demonstrating the market's reaction to and support of our program. Our launch will establish our corporate persona as a company that provides caring, personalized support to every client, and helps developers achieve 100% pre-construction sale of their projects to qualified occupants. Duties the students may complete could include: In keeping with the above, and based on their skills and interests, students may take on these duties: · Manage the social media campaign for inbound marketing signups and referrals, ensuring privacy and regulatory compliance; · Create and curate new content; · Monitor and manage communication channels to optimize integrated advertising, promotion, and public and client relations; · Build and manipulate Excel financial models and PPT slide decks to generate hand-out materials and orientation webinars; · Work in teams to enroll prospects in and schedule webinars, conduct the webinars, and provide personalize follow-up support to prospects. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: · Weekly team video calls · Group and individual email · Team document creation, editing, storage, and access – using Riipen, Google Docs, or Microsoft Teams Student's primary contact: Pat Frewer, company founder and president Secondary contact: Thomas Marzec, CCC Team Manager (based in Winnipeg) and Leah Albrecht, Pat’s Executive Assistant and website administrator (based in Surrey, BC)

Virtual Internship: Affordable Home Ownership for First Time Buyers (BC and ON)
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 1 or more students. (The project could be fulfilled by a team of up to 3). The primary focus for the students will be: The student team will assist in the launch to market of Carpe Diem’s online Mortgage and Home Ownership Primer course and the introduction of our Rent to OwnTM program for home ownership. The student team will have a primary area of focus: Develop and manage the on and off-line channels for promoting public awareness of the Rent to OwnTM program and the opportunity it provides for affordable home ownership in Canada’s expensive major metropolitan markets. We will offer a series of webinars that introduce both the course and the Live to OwnTM program to campus groups initially, and expand public interest from there beyond campus boundaries and into the surrounding real estate market catchment area. Our distribution strategy starts with a focus on university campus’ and access to our target clientele – highly educated and career oriented adults who will find that home ownership may actually be closer to reality for them than they may have thought. The plan is to offer our online course to students, and to introduce the Live to OwnTM program to them and their families, as well as to employers. Student reps on each campus will collaborate to coordinate the social media and other promotional efforts to gain attention to the program, and then hold a series of webinars that introduce both the online mortgage course and Live to OwnTM . Successful execution of the distribution plan is intended to generate both part-time and full-time positions with our company, serving demand in the urban real estate catchment area of each campus. The candidate(s) would have to have a good fundamental grasp of financing, and specifically of mortgages and real estate. Our company founder is Pat Frewer, who can be reached to discuss this proposal at 604-618-3116 and pfrewer@carpediemsuites.com . Our goal at the end of this experience is: We will be ready to show funders the steps taken to launch the Rent to OwnTM program and the financial literacy online course, the budgets for our ongoing development and operations, and the team we have identified and/or assembled to execute the plan. Other duties the students may complete could include: In keeping with the above the student team will cover these duties: • Become familiar with Carpe Diem’s brand DNA – our target clientele, our Mission, Vision, and Values, our concept for inter-generational housing environments with intentional community, and our vision for the Rent to OwnTM program and the online financial literacy course; • Create and curate new content; • Investigate candidates and sources for graphics, photography, and video, and estimate the budget for same; • Research and recommend the communication channels that Carpe Diem will use to optimize its integrated advertising, promotion, and public relations, including paid channels - and estimate the budget for same. Target audiences include B-to-B and B-to-C; • Design and manage the social media campaign for generating inbound marketing signups and referrals, and ensuring privacy and other regulatory compliance. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern team using these communication tools: We plan to use, in this order of importance and regularity: • Daily or weekly team video calls • Group and individual email, as appropriate and efficient • Team document creation, editing, storage, and access – using Riipen, Google Docs, or Microsoft Teams Student's primary contact: Pat Frewer, company founder and president Secondary contact: Leah Albrecht, Pat’s Executive Assistant
Work experience
Seniorhome/and: Carpe Diem (start-up)
West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
September 1990 - Current
Development and operations management and ownership in the retirement housing market and more recently, in the general housing markets.