Ingrid Broussillon She / Her
Founder and Owner
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Griottes Polyglottes
Griottes Polyglottes
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Website Redesign and Branding for Griottes Polyglottes

The main goal for the project is to recreate the Griottes Polyglottes website on WordPress, improve the copywriting and SEO to clarify the message for ideal clients, and potentially provide a new logo. The project will involve the following tasks:- Analyzing the current website and identifying areas for improvement in copywriting and SEO.- Recreating the website on WordPress with a focus on user experience and visual appeal.- Developing new copywriting that effectively communicates the company's mission and services.- Implementing SEO strategies to improve the website's visibility and search engine rankings.- Potentially creating a new logo that aligns with the company's brand and message.

Matches 3
Category Website development + 4
Griottes Polyglottes
Griottes Polyglottes
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Data Entry, Personnas and Email Template Creation for Griottes Polyglottes

Project has 2 parts1- Create personnas and pain points that match the company's services, 2- Data entry in CRM - categorize clients, and connect them with the appropriate personnas. We would like to update our contact's information in our CRM system and create template emails to send to each category of contacts. We also want to create personnas, determine their pain points and need then match then to our solutions.Each contact would be matched with the appropriate personna, in order to comunicate with them through specific emails / newsleters that interest them and showing that the company cares and wants to stay connected with them.The ultimate goal is to be more connected to our potential clients and to their needs in order offer them the best services, the best workshops they need, and ultimately rank them among the top best places to work for.

Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 4