Shannon Hughes
Shannon Hughes
Branding & style guides Communications Lead generation Event planning Social media marketing


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Captivate Benefits
Captivate Benefits
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Client Relationship Manager (CRM) implementation

Our business has grown substantially and currently all of our client information resides in a spreadsheet and client files. We would like to collaborate with students to implement a Client Relationship Manager (CRM) to house all of this information, map our customer's journey, and automate workflows.The implementation in Zoho CRM will require different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our business and sales processes.Creating custom fields, stages, and pipelines in Zoho that are aligned with our processes.Entering the data manually from various sources including our spreadsheet and clients digital files.Developing workflows to automate manual processes using workflow automation software in Zoho using our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as a guide.

Matches 0
Category Databases + 2
Captivate Benefits
Captivate Benefits
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Employee Benefits Communication Templates

We are looking for a student to help develop templates that can be used by an employer to increase awareness and understanding of all aspects of their employee benefit plan.We think this project will include:Creating a Word document template in Excel with benefit plan information so employees feel informed about their benefits.Creating visually appealing templates that are approachable and informative for employees, and easy to customize in Excel for the employer.Topics for templates include: 'Benefits at a Glance', flexible spending account FAQ, excess coverage availability, welcome to your new benefit plan, options upon termination, plan administrator checklist, total compensation statement.

Matches 0
Category Media + 3