Employee Benefits Communication Templates

Captivate Benefits
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Shannon Hughes
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Communications Operations Creative writing Media
communication proofreading templates
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We are looking for a student to help develop templates that can be used by an employer to increase awareness and understanding of all aspects of their employee benefit plan.

We think this project will include:

  • Creating a Word document template in Excel with benefit plan information so employees feel informed about their benefits.
  • Creating visually appealing templates that are approachable and informative for employees, and easy to customize in Excel for the employer.
  • Topics for templates include: 'Benefits at a Glance', flexible spending account FAQ, excess coverage availability, welcome to your new benefit plan, options upon termination, plan administrator checklist, total compensation statement.
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

The final deliverables should take the form of:

  • Proofread and professional communications that are ready to be published
  • A presentation of the templates to the employer
About the company

Captivate Benefits is a benefits advisory firm. We help employers maximize the value they receive from their benefits, retirement savings and wellness programs.
Our commitment to our clients is to secure the best pricing, make certain that employees understand and appreciate their benefits and simplify the administration of the programs.
We are a hands-on partner who will keep the benefits plan running smoothly so our clients can focus on their business.