Wanda Gorman
Communications Humanities Social sciences Scientific research


Research 8 Timelines 7 Quantitative analysis 4 Survey data collection 3 Content analysis 2 Focus group 2 Coaching 1 Current source 1 Data analysis 1 Scheduling 1 Transcribing 1

Latest feedback

Tami Ambury
Career & Education Consultant
April 5, 2023
Team feedback
This individual is an amazing researcher and has been invaluable to this particular research project at all stages. Highly recommend that any research-based organization in the future has the opportunity to experience her exceptional skills, knowledge and attitude!
Content analysis Quantitative analysis Research Timelines
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP - Research Associate Phase #7
Tami Ambury
Career & Education Consultant
May 18, 2023
Team feedback
Always a pleasure to work together on this project! You have an amazing wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience to bring to the whole team! Thanks again!
Content analysis Quantitative analysis Research Data analysis Timelines Transcribing
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP - Research Associate Phase #8
Tami Ambury
Career & Education Consultant
November 19, 2022
Team feedback
Working with this individual has provided amazing insight and a unique perspective on all elements of this research, supporting the direction of the research, the research tools used, the questions asked, and the learnings acquired by all parties. I would highly recommend this individual as a leader and team member in any research environment.
Survey data collection Current source Research
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: Research Associate (Phase #1a)

Recent projects

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Level UP: Research Associate (Phase #1a)

A student will be supporting our team in a mixed method research project on meaningful coincidences and the role these play in our lives. The student will be expected to collect varying data from their own lives (in a personal scholarly narrative research fashion) and to support the research team in the creation of the survey questionnaire from this initial research phase.

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 3
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Level UP: Research Associate (Phase #2a)

A student will be continuing to support our team in a mixed method research project on meaningful coincidences and the role these play in our lives. The student will be expected to collect varying data from their own lives (in a personal scholarly narrative research fashion) and to support the research team in the creation of the survey questionnaire from this initial research phase. The second phase will also involve group discussions, revisions of survey framework, and refinement of personal scholarly narrative research.

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 3
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Level UP - Research Associate Phase #3

A student/students will be continuing to support our team in a mixed method research project on meaningful coincidences and the role these play in our lives. The student will be expected to continue to collect varying data from their own lives (in a personal scholarly narrative research fashion), to look for the patterns in this data (if they exist), and to support the research team in the finalization of the survey questionnaire from this initial research phase. The third phase will also involve group discussions, testing of survey framework, refinement of personal scholarly narrative research, and coaching of the research assistants on the delivery of the survey to potential respondents.

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 3
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Level UP - Research Associate Phase #4

A student/students will be continuing to support our team in a mixed method research project on meaningful coincidences and the role these play in our lives. The student will be expected to continue to collect varying data from their own lives (in a personal scholarly narrative research fashion), to look for the patterns in this data (if they exist), and to support the research team in the creation of interview questions, pre- and post-interview surveys, interview scheduling and delivery.

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 3

Work experience

Research Assistant
Self Employed & as student
January 2020 - November 2020

Database design, creation, & population


BA, MA, PhD-current, General studies
Grant Macewan University + Athabasca University
September 2016 - April 2023