Tenisha Noel
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Google Forms Creation Assistant Black History Month

The primary focus for the student will be: To assist in creating Google forms for Black History Month for our organization.

Matches 1
Category Community engagement + 1
Magnify Access
Magnify Access
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Social Justice Assessment

We are looking for a Social Justice Assessor who will work with our team to advance equity and justice within our organization. The intern will have the opportunity to assess our company which covers our website, products, and services, as well as work on initiatives to create positive change for Magnify Access. Our intention is to ensure our company stands against the following social justice issues: Racism and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and other identity factors Income inequality and lack of access to economic opportunity Inadequate access to education, healthcare, and other necessities The disproportionate impact of environmental harm on marginalized communities Gender inequality and discrimination against women and non-binary individuals Discrimination and mistreatment of people with disabilities. The end result of your internship would be to produce clear guidelines/direction on how to ensure our company has addressed issues related to social justice internally and externally, captured in a document the company can use to remediate these issues.

Matches 3
Category Community engagement + 1
Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc
Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc
Regional Municipality Of Peel, Ontario, Canada

Lotus Addiction Therapy- Sales Specialist

We are looking for a student to help us grow our virtual clientele by sourcing and contacting potential customers. This includes customer research, initial reach outs and following up after meetings. Also involves converting our facebook leads to paying clients! - Sales Lead's Conversions/ Closing Sales Leads/ and reaching out to Detoxes, Insurance Providers, and small businesses - Sales conversions of our Facebook leads to paying customers - Also Expand our services out of canada to US, and Australia ,and UK. Final deliverables — brief final report on how the student achieved new clients,

Matches 3
Category Lead generation + 4
Your Sweet Spot Life
Your Sweet Spot Life
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Editing a Novel About Love, Loss, and Self-Discovery

The project is to edit a novel called Where The Light Lives is about a young woman named Scarlet Graham who is from Prince Edward Island. She has just finished her teaching program and is going to Alberta to start her first job. She falls in love with the principal Eli Stone of the school she is teaching at. The novel is a the start of a multi-generational series of love, loss, and self-discovery in Kananaskis Country Alberta. This project will involve several different steps for the students, including: Adding additional elements to the novel to help flesh out the story and characters. Editing the novel to ensure it is cohesive and well-written. Checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Reading and understanding the novel. Note: This is not a ghost writing situation you will get full credit as a contributor/ cowriter/editor of the book in the event of it being published.

Matches 1
Category Creative writing
Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc
Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc
Regional Municipality Of Peel, Ontario, Canada

Improving Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc.

The main goal of this project is to improve Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc. by reviewing our processes and services to improve the company to be the best client centric care that we take pride in providing. This includes building a competitive landscape for our company and providing analysis of the competitors, conducting user testing on our company's new product and providing an analysis on the results, and providing best strategies and best practices to determine our target audience and determine where to find them, as well as building a sales closing document/pitch to increase sales.

Matches 3
Category Communications + 4
Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc
Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc
Regional Municipality Of Peel, Ontario, Canada

Outreach Referral Program for Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc.

The main goal of this project is to increase referrals for Lotus Addiction Therapy Inc.'s addiction and mental health treatment services. This will involve several different steps for the learners, including: - Researching and identifying potential referral sources such as doctors, lawyers, hospitals, businesses, detoxes, and rehabs. - Contacting potential referral sources using our company number barn app, emailing them, and following up with them. - Developing an incentive program to encourage referrals, such as offering a referral commission of $500-$1000 per referral. - Tracking and monitoring the effectiveness of the referral program.

Matches 2
Category Communications + 4
Your Sweet Spot Life
Your Sweet Spot Life
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

S.T.A.R.T Curriculum Development Project

The Goal To create a comprehensive curriculum for the S.T.A.R.T program, which stands for Systematic Training and Restoration Team. The program has two sides For businesses and homeowners looking to streamline their lives and work For struggling professionals with mental health and work issues. The curriculum should address the needs of both sides and provide ongoing support

Matches 1
Category Education
Loyan Foundation
Loyan Foundation
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Community-Based Research Training Program

The main goal for the project is to train post-secondary students in community-based research methods, with a focus on addressing systemic barriers experienced by Black and racialized communities. The program aims to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to engage in research that directly impacts these communities and promotes a more vibrant, healthy, and resilient environment. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: - Leading workshops on Introduction to Community-Based Research & Knowledge Translation, CBR Research Methods, Capacity Building & Engaging Stakeholders, and Mental Health & Trauma-Based Research with Racialized Communities. - Providing mentorship and guidance to post-secondary students participating in the program. - Collaborating with Loyan Foundation to develop and implement research projects that address systemic barriers experienced by Black and racialized communities.

Matches 1
Category Community engagement + 4
Nomadic Glens
Nomadic Glens

Interactive Open Air Dance Performance

The main goal for the project is to adapt a script about 2 dancers into an interactive production for an open air performance series. This will involve several different steps for the team, including Analyzing the original script and identifying key elements to adapt into an interactive performance series. Developing interactive elements that engage the audience and enhance the storytelling experience. Creating a production plan for the open air performance series, including logistics and transportation of equipment. Designing and implementing eco-friendly and sustainable elements into the performance. Rehearsing and refining the interactive production with the dancers and creative team. Promoting and marketing the open air performance series to the target audience.

Matches 1
Category Community engagement + 3
Robymisterdrums Enterpise
Robymisterdrums Enterpise
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Adventure Book Editing Project

The main goal for the project is to edit an action adventure book about a young man from Nova Scotia who travels the world. The project will involve the following tasks for the learners: Reviewing the existing manuscript and identifying areas for improvement in terms of plot, character development, and overall coherence. Editing the manuscript for grammar, punctuation, and style to ensure a polished final product. Collaborating with the author to incorporate any necessary changes and revisions. Providing feedback and suggestions for enhancing the overall storytelling and reader engagement.

Matches 1
Category Creative writing
Robymisterdrums Enterpise
Robymisterdrums Enterpise
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Course Material Development for Robymisterdrums Enterprise

The main goal for the project is to work with a group of business owners to write course material for a series of workshops that will be used in a variety of different applications and venues including: online course, live on location workshops, expos, and other applications. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Collaborating with business owners to understand the content and goals of the workshops. Researching and developing course material for online and live workshops. Creating engaging and interactive content that can be used in various applications and venues. Incorporating feedback from business owners and making necessary revisions to the course material.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 4
Obsidian Leadership Development Centre
Obsidian Leadership Development Centre
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Empowering Professionals Through Digital Learning Capsules

Project Description : Empowering Professionals Through Digital Learning Capsules Welcome to Obsidian Leadership Development Centre! We are thrilled to present an exciting opportunity for talented students to contribute to our innovative project, Empowering Professionals Through Digital Learning Capsules. Main Goal : The primary objective of this project is to transform existing in-person leadership and professional development courses into engaging, micro-digital modules that are easily consumable for an online audience. These digital capsules will serve as a cornerstone of our e-learning platform, empowering Black and racialized professionals with accessible and impactful resources. Students participating in this project will play a pivotal role in conceptualizing and developing these micro-capsules. They will analyze existing coaching materials, extract key learning objectives, and design interactive, digital formats suitable for integration into a Learning Management System (LMS).

Matches 1
Category Product or service launch + 4
Justice Chatbot Inc.
Justice Chatbot Inc.

Legal AI Agent Funding Strategy and Social Media Engagement

Justice Chatbot Inc. is seeking a strategic approach to develop and implement a funding strategy for its Legal AI Agent platform. The primary goal is to enhance the platform's visibility and attract potential investors and partners without incurring significant costs. The project involves managing social media channels to establish the platform as a thought leader in the legal AI agent space. By generating investment leads and identifying opportunities to participate in cost-effective events, the project aims to build a comprehensive database of stakeholders, including investors, partners, and clients. The focus is on leveraging social media to increase web traffic and improve conversion rates from leads to funders. The project provides an opportunity for learners to apply their knowledge of digital marketing, social media management, and strategic planning in a real-world context.

Matches 1
Category Digital marketing + 3