Maria Chisamore
Maria Chisamore
Manager Student Employment Services
Market research Marketing strategy


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Columbia College Calgary
Columbia College Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Marketing SOS

Looking for a team of students to create and implement a province wide marketing plan to increase enrollment in the following programs: Academic Upgrading, Transportation and Warehouse, Accounting Assistant, Trades Preparation and Level 1 Early Childhood Educator. Markets we would like to target are: guidance counsellors at rural high schools, admission advisors at rural community colleges, rural WCB and EI offices, rural settlement agencies, rural youth employment and employment agencies along with local community police officers and libraries. I'm hopeful that although we are not located in Ontario, our request is of interest and selected. We are a small non-profit college that focuses on training minority, low income and disadvantaged learners. Currently, we only market our grant funded programs within the city of Calgary. Since COVID-19, our enrollment in these programs has slowly plummeted. Now that we have expanded to online learning, we'd like to market to rural areas of Alberta. Our online training is unique as students log into Microsoft Teams daily from 9-2:00 or 9:30-2 (depending on the program). Our facilitators are connected to the students, face-to-face throughout the duration of the day. It's essentially an online classroom. Because our programs are grant funded and learners are not required to work through materials independently, we truly believe in the quality of our product, the quality of our staff and believe there's an interest to a wider population. Unfortunately, our College is small and we do not have a formal marketing department to help me with this request. Thank you for your consideration! I would be extremely grateful for your students' assistance.

Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 2