Shawn Sales
Shawn Sales
GTL International
GTL International

Sales Forecasting Analysis

Positions available: 3We are developing a solar program in our country partners (Madagascar). The project will target 2000 households and each one will be asked to pay a given amount each month. We want to develop a business model that take into the account the household income and other financial resources to support the project. They are poor and they do not have enough income to pay, even though we know the social, economic and ecological advantages for them and in the coummunities. Government, NGOs and Private actors are willing to support, and contribute abit to reduce the cost of the project.This task will involve analyzing organizational assets such as business plan, and pricing/promotional information, carbon markets, available subsidies in the world. We would like you to construct a business plan of Solar energy program in that Country. The project will be funded by Global affairs of Canada, NGOs and the Governement of Madagascar.You should focus on:Cost effectiveness of a solar project in the given countryThe cash flows (outflows and inflows) of the projectWhat activities should be develped to help households to be able to increase their incomewhat are other sources of funding opportunities that may be used to support the project?We want to develop a viable and reliable Project The payback period should be less than 10 yearsHow the project impact will be sustainable ( Ecological impacts in terms of Green housegas emissions saved(tones of CO2), economic impacts, social impacts?

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 4
Geosource Energy
Geosource Energy
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Virtual Intern: Technical Blog Writing

At GeoSource, we contribute to the fight against climate change by providing renewable and sustainable heating and cooling to buildings through ground-source geothermal systems. Therefore, in order to continue reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector we need to continue growing our client base. This ultimately results in the replacement of conventional fossil fuel-driven and low efficiency electric heating and cooling systems with renewable, high efficiency geothermal systems. As industry leaders in this space, we believe that education and advocacy is paramount to driving the increased market share of geothermal heating and cooling energy systems. For this reason, we're looking for one virtual intern to write 4-6 technical, but creatively entertaining blog posts for our website to educate stakeholders of the unique benefits of geothermal heating and cooling systems. The focus of each blog post will be provided by our team, and the student will be tasked with researching and drafting the posts themselves. Tasks for this project may include (but are not limited to): Writing and researching 4-6 inspirational pieces to educate various stakeholder groups exploring topics such as:Integration with beneficial electrification concepts;Building sustainable/future ready communities;How building geothermal energy infrastructure assists in mitigation of climate change;How geothermal energy systems can positively contribute to/address regional low carbon/net zero building policy; andVarious other elements of geothermal energy systems.Suitable for students with an engineering/applied science/environmental studies background, with an appetite for creative writing; however, we will consider applicants from all backgrounds that are interested in applying.

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 4
Square Solar Inc.
Square Solar Inc.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Residential Vehicle survey on power supply

Square Solar Inc. is different from other solar energy companies, we focus on decentralized solar energy systems. We encourage DIYer self-built solar energy systems to power devices with less energy such as cellphones and computers. With much less initial investment and a simplified solar power system, we make solar power affordable and therefore accessible for the mainstream customer.The proposed venture is an innovative puzzle-like solar panel allowing customers to install their own solar system of any size and shape to fulfill their various energy needs. By using special square-shaped panel connectors, tiles can connect seamlessly with each other without extra wires, making the tiles more stable in relation to their power output compared to existing panelsThe scope of this project is to conduct primary market research within North America to chalk out a detailed customer archetype. The archetype will then be used in order to create an initial marketing plan – mainly focused on digital marketing. To enhance the experience with the product, we also need to collect further data about the electrical basic knowledge of each type. The gathered data will allow us to create additional services for customers to reduce roadblocks in the DIY installment process.The process is organized in sequence with the following subtasks:1) Qualitative Research (3-4 weeks)Conducting 5 interviews within the target audience of each potential customer archetype to learn more about the current state and unknown unknowns. The data will then be used to create a questionnaire for quantitative research.2) Quantitative Research (3-4 weeks)Following the interviews, an online questionnaire will be created to get quantitative insights. This will allow us to get a first impression of the proportion of the various customer archetypes and validate further assumptions.The objective of this survey is to collect additional data. The minimum target number of surveys is 30 respondents in both Canada and the U.S.3) Data Analysis and Marketing Plan (3-4 weeks)The gathered data needs to be analyzed to find possible correlations between customer archetypes, electrical knowledge, demographics and psychographics. Based on this analysis, customer archetypes and an initial marketing plan should be created. The initial marketing plan should be short-term and include A/B testing.

Matches 2
Category Market research + 3