
Open projects

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My Breast Day Inc
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
Tracy Persson
Tracy Persson She / Her
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Medicine & health Data analysis Healthcare Biotechnology Information technology Databases
data maintenance database management artificial intelligence
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is to create a comprehensive database that includes emotional support services and related products available across the United States, specifically tailored for breast cancer patients. This database will be integrated into the 'My Breast Day' app's technology, enabling users to easily locate and access these resources based on their geographic location.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Tasks for learners to complete include:

- Researching and compiling a list of U.S.-based medical, emotional, and physical support services and products tailored for breast cancer patients.

- Developing a structured and user-friendly database that categorizes these resources by type, location, accessibility, and relevance to different stages of breast cancer treatment and recovery.

- Proposing methods for integrating the database with the existing AI technology of the 'My Breast Day' app.

- Providing actionable recommendations for database maintenance, updates, and user engagement strategies.

Final deliverables:

- A comprehensive and well-organized database of U.S. medical emotional support services and products for breast cancer patients.

- Strategies for effective integration of the database with the 'My Breast Day' app's AI technology.

- Insights into potential partnerships or collaborations with service providers and product manufacturers.

- Recommendations for ongoing database management and user engagement.

How will you support learners in completing the project?
  1. Dedicated Project Liaison: We will assign a dedicated member of our team as a project liaison. This person will be the primary contact for any queries, providing timely responses and guidance. They will facilitate access to necessary resources and information related to the 'My Breast Day' app and its objectives.
  2. Regular Check-Ins and Updates: We propose bi-weekly virtual meetings to discuss progress, address any challenges, and provide feedback. These sessions will be an opportunity for students to present their findings and receive direct input from our team.
  3. Technical Assistance: Our technical team, of app developers, will be available to offer insights, clarify technical details, and assist with any challenges related to database development and data integration.
  4. Resource Access: Students will have access to our existing research, data, and tools that are relevant to the project. This will help them in understanding the broader context and specific needs of the 'My Breast Day' app.
  5. Feedback and Evaluation: Constructive feedback is key to learning and project development. We will ensure that students receive regular and structured feedback on their work, helping them to refine their approaches and outcomes as well as referrals.

Supported causes
Good health and well-being
About the company

Tech- Start Up, Digital Assistant for Breast Cancer patients, pre and post diagnosis. We are a web application and soon to be mobile application that can support the tracking of breast health for early detection of women and men. If diagnosed we offer organizational support for your Health Care treatment plan.