Email Marketing

Melius Marketing Ltd.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ammar Faridi
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Communications Operations Creative writing Media
proofreading newsletters operations
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We are looking for a student to help develop and distribute a newsletter that supports the organizations' cause.

We think this project will include:

  • Creating a weekly newsletter with helpful information so readers feel inspired
  • Creating and soliciting materials to be published.
  • Determining the features of a publication.
  • Setting and enforcing deadlines.
  • Making a final determination about what will be published in an issue.
  • Coordinating frequency of publication.
  • Overseeing all operations of a publication.
  • Drafting emails pertaining to the organization.
  • Timed deliveries of content delivery and emails.
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

The final deliverables should take the form of:

  • Proofread and professional newsletters that are ready to be published.
  • Proofread and professional newsletters that are stylized in relation the organization's branding.
  • A presentation of the work to the employer.
How will you support learners in completing the project?

Students will connect directly with the employer for mentorship throughout the project. Melius will clarify any confusion about the contents' defining features.

About the company

Melius Marketing Ltd is a new generation digital marketing company that has disturbed the industry by deploying and activating strategies that help small business rise up in a competitive market.