BetterLTC - Communication and Website Support

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Associate Professor
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Graphic design Communications Digital marketing Marketing strategy
communication marketing long-term care research
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Too many good ideas, and not enough hands or expertise in the patient-oriented research team with a focus on caring with older adults, their close ones, and health care staff within the long-term care setting. At the end of this project, your team will complete the redesign of the website, informed by the marketing report provided by the Schulich School of Business student team.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?
  1. Complete review of website alongside the recommendations provided by the Schulich report
  2. Action the recommendations in the report in consultation with the team to make the necessary changes to the website (menu bar, pages, organization, navigation)
About the company

BetterLTC (led by Dr. Roslyn M. Compton) was established in 2013. The team is interprofessional, national and international, and intergenerational (age range 18-85 years; 15 older adults between 65-85 years of age). Through our collaborations and partnerships with for-profit and not-for-profit community organizations, BetterLTC acts through knowledge mobilization, education, advocacy, and policy to challenge ageist healthcare services to support older adults to grow older in their choice of place with the support and services needed. Current partners include Sherbrooke Community Centre, Saskatoon; Golden Health Care Management Inc., Saskatoon; 3 rural and 3 urban long-term care homes in Saskatchewan; Saskatoon Fire Services; College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta; College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan; St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon; University of Regina, Regina; Memory Café, Crossmount Saskatoon; Saskatoon Council on Aging; Saskatchewan Long-term Care Network; Interprofessional Education, USask Health Science; the Saskatchewan Health Authority; Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association; Nav-CARE, British Columbia; and, the Canadian Red Cross.