Online Security Assessment

ABAKiS Solutions
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Information technology
internet security information security
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The goal of this project is to provide a prioritized list of security vulnerabilities of the company's online assets. Scope may be tailored to suit the constraints of the associated course, but any or all of the following areas may be included in the assessment:

- Vulnerabilities in the core SaaS-based web application ( - e.g., penetration, script insertion, DOS, URL hacking, etc.

- Vulnerabilities in the marketing website

- Email and support systems

- Sensitive document storage

- Assess applicability of specific Data protection standards, such as PCI, HIPPA, GDPR that may apply in North America, Europe including the UK, Australia and New Zealand

Service reliability (database backup / restore, disaster recovery scenarios etc) are NOT in scope.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

High level review of goals and progress with regular progress reviews (frequency depending on duration of project). Student team will be supported in terms of providing access and information about the system architecture, but students will need to be sufficiently knowledgeable in identifying and validating potential vulnerabilities to perform that assessment independently and/or with faculty support.

About the company

ABAKiS provides a simple, online data recording and analysis tool for autism intervention service providers.

One of the biggest challenges faced by autism intervention service providers, is the recording and analysis of the vast amounts of complex data demanded of the leading intervention protocols, collectively known as Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA). The ABAKiS solution to this is a web portal application that allows intervention teams to easily collect and share this data. Primary service providers use this data for instant, on-demand analysis to keep plans current; and parents can visually follow their child's progress.

In contrast to other similar solutions, ABAKiS is designed to be an affordable, easy-to-use option primarily aimed at independent service providers and smaller clinics for whom a larger-scale solution would not be feasible.