Social Media & SEO Strategy

Executive Director
Preferred learners
  • Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • Academic experience
Communications Market research Marketing strategy
search engine optimization digital marketing tiktok newsletters keyword research blogs marketing social media content social media social media marketing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Number of students required: 1-2 students

Our team is looking for a social media marketing wizard who can help us drive more traffic and improve our SEO positioning. The primary project requirements include:

  1. Keyword analysis to determine relevant search terms to our organization
  2. A strategy document to outline:
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) requirements to ensure our organization appears on the first page of Google for relevant keywords
  • Maximize Google ads to advertise and drive traffic to our website.
  • Social media requirements to increase the number of followers/likes and share:

- Research how to use social media content to drive maximum traffic to our site - when are the best times to post, etc.

- Determine what are the best social media applications to use to reach our key demographics.

- Explore adding new methods of marketing - Tik Tok, videos', blogs, newsletters, etc.

We’re excited to work with students who can help us not only brainstorm, but also execute a strategy to achieve:

  • Reaching and engaging with our key demographic market through social media and marketing in the Edmonton and area.

This is a great project for students to prove their digital marketing expertise to future employers, as the impact of their work on this project can be easily measured and communicated.

About the company
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Arts, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society, Academic association, Public relations & communications, Education

At the Canadian Foundation for Development and Empowerment (CFDE) we provide the tools and resources necessary for young people to thrive academically. We endeavour to define and respond to systemic issues that impact the quality of life and well-being of young people who want to succeed.