Graphic Design and Creative Direction

Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Executive Assistant
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Marketing strategy Media Visual arts
color palette graphic design design elements and principles instagram stories go-to-market strategy digital arts digital advertising snapchat visual design social media
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

If you're a college student majoring in Fine Art, Graphic Design, or Digital Art, and you have experience with designing quality graphic art, this internship may be a great fit for you. Here's your chance to gain experience with a bold, innovative company that fosters a culture of collaboration and opportunity for creatives in Atlanta.

Specific challenges you can help us solve include:

Development on Visual Design Strategy and Creation of Design Elements

  • As we prepare to launch the BETA of our online platform and app, and re-open our brick and mortar art studio, students can help us develop the design scheme for our Go to Market strategy including the color palette, design elements, and visual theme for print materials, social media graphics, website, and digital ads. We are targeting three demographics: businesses, consumers, and people in our studio's neighborhood.

Social Media Branded Elements

  • We would like to make a GIF that can be searched in the GIF library on social media apps like on Instagram stories or Snapchat, we would like to make a still or animated location sticker with our logo, and we'd like to create our own selfie filter that feels remnant of our brand's personality.

Product Packaging

  • We would love for the students to assist us with creating beautiful, wow factor packaging for the supplies that go in the art box we send to our customers.

How will you support learners in completing the project?

I would focus on teaching students how to effectively monetize their creative skills, how to go from designing in school and at home to designing for clients. Students will learn to develop systems for fulfilling client design needs. Students will also learn how to find their voice as the creator/designer working with a client and with a team. Students will not only walk away with portfolio samples but with the confidence and strategy that will be helpful whether they work at at agency or on their own. Those interested in entrepreneurship, will learn business basics to set up their freelance business.

About the company

ArtzyBella is a well tech company currently building an online platform and app increasing happiness and wellness using art. Our mission is to teach people how to overcome their apprehension about mental health by introducing the journey of self work in a safe and non-abrasive way. We empower people to live creatively, finding free moments to use art in their wellness routines.