Denison University
Denison University
Granville, Ohio, United States

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Practicum in Data Analytics (DA 301)


Jan 17, 2022 - Apr 1, 2022

Students in this 15-week practicum course apply their emerging analytics toolkit (statistics, data collection & wrangling, visualization, modeling) to provide data-driven deliverables and a formal report on a data-driven problem for your organization. Taken after students complete their foundational skill courses, this course affords students a real-world, client-based opportunity experience to develop and hone the skills critical to making DA useful to various audiences. A significant component of the course is working with professional clients and in-class instruction to develop program management, ethical, creative problem solving, collaborative, and communication skills (written, oral, and visual) appropriate for professional and/or public audiences. Students will synthesize, hone, adapt, and translate their data analytics skills through your puzzle while gaining experience with DA in a realistic context (for-profit, non-profit, government, academic research, etc...).

Admin Matthew Lavin
Matches 0
Category Operations + 4

Practicum in Data Analytics (DA 301)


Aug 30, 2021 - Dec 18, 2021

Students in this 15-week practicum course apply their emerging analytics toolkit (statistics, data collection & wrangling, visualization, modeling) to provide data-driven deliverables and a formal report on a data-driven problem for your organization. Taken after students complete their foundational skill courses, this course affords students a real-world, client-based opportunity experience to develop and hone the skills critical to making DA useful to various audiences. A significant component of the course is working with professional clients and in-class instruction to develop program management, ethical, creative problem solving, collaborative, and communication skills (written, oral, and visual) appropriate for professional and/or public audiences. Students will synthesize, hone, adapt, and translate their data analytics skills through your puzzle while gaining experience with DA in a realistic context (for-profit, non-profit, government, academic research, etc...).

Admin Michael Brady
Matches 1
Category Design - general + 4