Denison University
Denison University
Denison University
Granville, Ohio, United States
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Denison University is an independent, coeducational, residential college of liberal arts and sciences. Founded in 1831, Denison is one of the earliest colleges to be established in the old "Northwest Territory,"​ west of the Allegheny Mountains and north of the Ohio River. Denison University is a leading liberal arts college where faculty and students collaborate in research, civic engagement, & cultivation of independent thinking. As a leader among the nation's top residential liberal arts colleges, Denison has earned a reputation for academic rigor that is rivaled only by its commitment to preparing students for a lifetime of personal, professional, and civic success.

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Recent experiences

Practicum in Data Analytics (DA 301)


Jan 17, 2022 - Apr 1, 2022

Students in this 15-week practicum course apply their emerging analytics toolkit (statistics, data collection & wrangling, visualization, modeling) to provide data-driven deliverables and a formal report on a data-driven problem for your organization. Taken after students complete their foundational skill courses, this course affords students a real-world, client-based opportunity experience to develop and hone the skills critical to making DA useful to various audiences. A significant component of the course is working with professional clients and in-class instruction to develop program management, ethical, creative problem solving, collaborative, and communication skills (written, oral, and visual) appropriate for professional and/or public audiences. Students will synthesize, hone, adapt, and translate their data analytics skills through your puzzle while gaining experience with DA in a realistic context (for-profit, non-profit, government, academic research, etc...).

Admin Matthew Lavin
Matches 0
Category Operations + 4

Practicum in Data Analytics (DA 301)


Aug 30, 2021 - Dec 18, 2021

Students in this 15-week practicum course apply their emerging analytics toolkit (statistics, data collection & wrangling, visualization, modeling) to provide data-driven deliverables and a formal report on a data-driven problem for your organization. Taken after students complete their foundational skill courses, this course affords students a real-world, client-based opportunity experience to develop and hone the skills critical to making DA useful to various audiences. A significant component of the course is working with professional clients and in-class instruction to develop program management, ethical, creative problem solving, collaborative, and communication skills (written, oral, and visual) appropriate for professional and/or public audiences. Students will synthesize, hone, adapt, and translate their data analytics skills through your puzzle while gaining experience with DA in a realistic context (for-profit, non-profit, government, academic research, etc...).

Admin Michael Brady
Matches 1
Category Design - general + 4