Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC)
Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC)
Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Company website
Year established
Number of employees
2 - 10 employees

The Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC) is a membership organization whose goal is to provide leadership, services and assistance to members enabling them to effectively serve relocated families by addressing issues that impact workforce mobility both domestically and internationally.
Founded in 1982, CERC is the leading provider of information and professional education to the relocation industry. We are ideally positioned to provide information, authoritative knowledge and in-depth analysis of critical issues. Our unique membership brings together representatives from organizations that relocate their employees, and companies that provide relocation services.

Communications Market research Search engine optimization Market expansion
Business & management Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society


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