Connected Interactive
Connected Interactive
Connected Interactive

Connected Interactive is an Advertising Technology company focused on the development and audience and data technology for the digital advertising world. We work with Industry-leading Partners such as Mastercard and Moneris to develop targetable audiences based on purchase behaviour and work with the country's largest agencies and advertisers like Auto Trader, Amazon, IPG, and Cossette to name a few.

Marketing strategy Information technology
Marketing & advertising Technology

Recent projects

Sales and Marketing for the Digital Advertising Technology Industry

We are an advertising technology company and we work with some Canada's largest brands and advertising agencies and require sales and marketing coordinators to assist on multiple levels.Social Media Marketing for the Advertising Industry Content creation taking thought pieces from our leaders to curate and share on Social to the industry Assist in developing video content with the use of social video technology and content strategies around sharing knowledge of the adtech space Assist sales with client requests and campaign oversite helping develop advertising pitch material and presentations Learn how audience data technology works and learn to help build audience data strategies to assist account management Lastly, report directly to the CEO and assist with overall business development needs and sales and marketingWe will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what these elements are for our organization.

Admin Noel Geer
Matches 0
Category Social media marketing + 4

Digital Content Creation

We would like students to help us with creating content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector. We will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what these elements are for our organization. Ultimately, you will be working on content creation for our organization, including video, social media, and other collateral that we can use as go-to marketing tools.If you like the sound of our culture, and are ready to tackle this challenge with us, then we'd love to hear from you.

Admin Noel Geer
Matches 0
Category Social media marketing + 4

Website Development

We would like to work with students to develop a new website for us on whichever platform they think makes the most sense for our needs.Students should be prepared to:Conduct a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable. Create a design proposal including wireframes or low-fidelity mockups for our company's review.Build a fully-functioning website, with our assistance in providing content and copy.Provide training on updating and maintaining the site.

Admin Noel Geer
Matches 1
Category Website development

Entrepreneurship Consulting Project

We would like students to research the digital marketing analytics and data markets to determine where the key value is for companies entering these markets. Areas of focus are Competition and Market Research in these fields: 1.Marketing Analytics & Automation 2.Data management By speaking with businesses that have both websites and app, we hope to get answer to some of these questions: -How are you measuring success within your website and app? -How deep on data analysis are you within your website and app?How are you measuring monetization and optimizing towards it? What are you spending on: -3rd and 2nd party data through  platforms like Exelate and Bluekai -Analytics through platforms such as Google Analytics, Marketo, KissMetrics, AppsFlyer 1.Based on the assignment description, what relevant challenges or opportunities would you like the student(s) to focus on for this project? The most significant challenge is the level of competition in this market as there are a number of major players (Google) plus many smaller ones. The main opportunity we see is to add functionality from the competitive areas into our own platform, and combine it with our expertise in advertising to build a more holistic digital marketing platform that can do all the necessary functions for growing, understanding, retaining and monetizing an online audience.2.What does success look like for you and what are your goals for this project? Success will come from new insights into these markets from real companies, plus overall market data to back up the findings.3.Please provide a brief elevator pitch of your organizations and identify what makes your organization a compelling choice for this project? (Why should the educator and students choose your organization over another?) Connected Interactive is a cutting edge digital marketing technology company with a solid record of new acquiring new business and platform development that has been at the cutting edge of digital marketing in Canada, particularly in the field of mobile advertising. Students will learn from one of the most knowledgable companies in Canada about the latest developments in advertising, marketing and data analytics. There are 3 deliverables: 1 ) Project Plan: Students will develop a Statement of Work and project plan for the semester. 2) Status Report: Students will conduct research, update you and get your input so that they can successfully deliver their final research-based recommendations. 3) Final Delivery of the student project as outlined and agreed to in the status report.

Admin Lyle Wagner
Matches 0
Category Product or service launch + 2

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