River Vale, New Jersey, United States

STEERus, an EDtech startup focused on developing the next generation of leaders. Our STEERus Academy develops skills in leadership, EQ, communication, adaptability, empathy, financial understanding, career development, health & wellness, and more. With equity as our North Star, and as social entrepreneurs, we're working closely with coaches, teachers, youth counsellors, and corporate donors to make our Academy available at no charge to underserved communities for social justice and impact.

Number of employees
2 - 10 employees
Year established
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Market research Leadership Product or service launch Education
Education Human resources & recruitment


Recent projects

Healthcare Training Needs (Nurses & Soft Skills)

Health Information Technology- Identifying and evaluating new software applications and/or technologies to meet needs in the healthcare industry.Students can look at the emerging vertical for health care.What are the desirable product features for healthcare industry, specifically for nurses (since they offer nursing degrees)Desirable product features?Would you expect that we would offer CEUs?Cover what aspects of content? What would be the 10 most desirable course topics for nurses?Is soft skills certification desirable for nurses?How much time would you anticipate spending getting soft skills certification?What course materials/components do you anticipate receiving? What features would characterize each component, in a perfect world?Video on demand?Live lectureWork book?Tests?Time with a coach?Graded homework assignments?Other?For your ideal product, do you feel that it should be provided to youby your university while you are still in school?by your employerthrough your alumni associationobtained on a subscription basis per studentWhat should the pricing be for certification?What should the pricing be for access to STEERus training?Research would include gathering and assessing primary data from nursing students and recent nursing graduates. Deliverables to STEERus would include:data gathered and instruments/methodology they used to gather the datatheir analysis of the data (methodology, results, conclusions and suggestions based on the analysis)

Admin Loralyn Mears, PhD
Matches 9
Category Healthcare + 2

Security Audit of World's First Soft Skills Academy

Nobody likes hackers. Well, except for other hackers and even then there seems to be a lot of fighting for world domination.We need a security audit. As a talent development company, we take creating safe spaces very seriously. That means how we act, what we do - and certainly how we keep our learners' and coaches' information secure. We mostly have the former part covered, but we need your help with the latter part on the IT security bits.As a perk, students who do this project are invited to be part of the first cohort in the history of the world (no kidding - it's that awesome!) to earn a Soft Skills Certification badge for Linkedin and your resumes. Certification runs Oct 26 - Dec 15 (with an extended grace period to complete everything by Jan 15, 2022).Data Management- Developing a data security and protection policy, reviewing data architecture, and recommending improved management practices.You could do a complete assessment of our physical data security and policies and rate our vulnerabilities. Students should be prepared to:work with React / Java Script / Muks for video optimizationplan a security audit simulate a user experience to test for flaws in security logicreport on the status of the security audit conductedmake recommendations on how to improve user securityif time permits, code the changes recommended to improve security

Admin Loralyn Mears, PhD
Matches 6
Category Information technology + 1

Harvesting Reddit & Twitter

The goal is to legally and ethically harvest advice data from public sources like Twitter & reddit via their API, distill it into consumable formats as a way to build our content library. Key subreddits include:r/AskRedditr/colleger/gapyearr/lifecoachingr/needacoachr/socialskillsr/selfimprovementr/softskillsStudents should be prepared to:use open source scraping tools (ideally, but we'd be willing to explore using paid tools if you thought it was best)create a series of small test runsdesign a UI/UX format to render and present the information in a format consumable (viewable and searchable) by the end-userautomate the harvesting so that it updates every 30 daysuse the API for Twitter or Reddit to integrate with the back end of our proprietary e-Learning platform

Admin Loralyn Mears, PhD
Matches 1
Category Information technology + 4

Alexa app for Soft Skills

We use Metabase on the back-end of our React code-base. We want to integrate the Alexa API to create a voice-enabled app where learners can ask Alexa for soft skills tips. We have a database of > 250 tips that can be used for input.Students should be prepared to:research the Alexa API to identify best practices for integrationcode the Soft Skills appinput the tips (.xlsx source)test the app

Admin Loralyn Mears, PhD
Matches 4
Category Information technology + 2

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