Bookkeeping Matters
Bookkeeping Matters
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Bookkeeping Matters Inc. (BMI) is a specialized bookkeeping firm based in Ontario, Canada, dedicated to serving the legal community. The company offers a range of services aimed at ensuring compliance and financial clarity for law firms. These services include legal bookkeeping, Law Society compliance, trust accounting, and preparation for LSO audits. BMI also provides training in legal accounting and the use of various legal practice management software, such as PCLaw and CosmoLex.

Led by Keith Hill Jr., a former legal accounting professor, BMI has established itself as a premier provider of online legal accounting training, catering to both bookkeepers and lawyers. The firm emphasizes the importance of meticulous financial transaction logging to prevent compliance issues and optimize the financial operations of law firms.

Number of employees
2 - 10 employees
Banking & finance Business services Education

Recent projects

Creating a systems/operation workflow

Following the innovative approach outlined by, this project is dedicated to the development of a comprehensive and robust systems and operations workflow. By leveraging the latest technological advancements, the project aims to significantly optimize efficiency and enhance productivity within any organizational setup. It meticulously focuses on creating streamlined processes that facilitate seamless coordination among team members, thus eliminating unnecessary redundancies and maximizing resource utilization. The ultimate goal is to establish a highly effective operational framework that not only meets current organizational needs but also adapts to future demands and challenges, ensuring sustained growth and success.

Admin Keith Hill
Matches 1
Category Operations + 3

Social Media Marketing Campaign

Our company will be advertising a new service offering and we hope to revamp our social media marketing to attract more customers.We would like to work with students to design a new social media marketing campaign for our company.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our company, social media campaign goals and target market.Identifying social media channels and strategies suitable for our company.Planning types of campaign content to create for each channel.Identifying metrics to monitor throughout the campaign.Creating a social media content calendar that outlines important steps in the campaign.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending social media management tools to schedule our content.

Admin Keith Hill
Matches 1
Category Social media marketing + 1

Bookkeeping Matters - Online Training Course Development

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: We would like to develop an on-line training course that teaches "Legal Accounting" using PCLaw.KEY PROJECT ACTIVITES: Gathering relevant course design and content information from interviews with key stakeholders and previously recorded material.Assessing existing on-line training platforms and recommending the best platform for this course.Giving input on course design.Working with video editor to edit existing material.Assisting in developing first iteration of course (minimum viable product).Completing voice overs where necessary.We have lots of existing content to share, so the project wouldn't be starting from scratch. The bulk of the project would be course design and editing/refining rather than content creation.IDEAL ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Market ResearchersContent CreatorsBusiness Analysts Marketers

Admin Keith Hill
Matches 2
Category Product or service launch + 4