Toronto Concert Band
Toronto Concert Band
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Social Media Content Creation for Toronto Concert Band

The main goal for the project is to create 35 social media posts with hashtags and at least 2 photos (real and/or AI-generated) per candidate that align with the Toronto Concert Band's brand identity. Additionally, one candidate will be responsible for entering all posts into the Social Media syndicating tool (Publer). The individual themes for posting will be Winter Holiday Seasons, 'Scary' music (Hallowe'en), Women in Music (Modern & Historical), and Diversity & Inclusivity (musicians and impact). The project length will be between 2-3 weeks, in late July and August 2024.

Admin Barnaby Kerekes
Matches 0
Category Social media marketing

May 2024 Social Media Campaign for Toronto Concert Band

The main goal for the project is to create a social media campaign consisting of 20 posts to drive awareness of the Toronto Concert Band's 10th-anniversary season finale concert in June 2024. The posts should include images, video, music, composer information, and motivational reasons for attending the concert.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Developing engaging and motivational content for the posts, highlighting the 10th-anniversary celebration and the reasons why people should attend the concert.- Collaborating with the Toronto Concert Band to gather necessary images, videos, music, and composer information for the posts.- Scheduling the posts to be published on various social media platforms.

Admin Barnaby Kerekes
Matches 1
Category Social media marketing