Mischa Schlemmer
Mischa Schlemmer
Mischa Schlemmer
Manager - CityStudio London

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Recent projects

CityStudio London
CityStudio London
London, Ontario, Canada

Child-friendly public spaces engagement opportunities

Project Details:Our current concern is related to needing environments that children and caregivers feel equipped to engage with regarding physical activity and free play. Eg. public spaces often lack 'child friendly' engagement opportunities .The students will explore how we can integrate results from the 'child voice' tool that is possibly being created by another team of students to facilitate improvements in three areas:a bus stop,a public park,and a waiting room.The students will create a proposal (possibly even a prototype) for solutions to integrating child voice in the waiting room, bus stop, and public park. Deliverables can be : PROTOTYPES (mock-ups, designs, tests, visualizations, beta-versions)ENGAGEMENT (Specific tests for permanence and scale)DESIGN (2nd stage experiments, models, events, diagrams)Background:This project relates to the City of London Strategic Plan: Focus Area: Strengthening our CommunityExpected Outcomes: In this focus area, Londoners are engaged and have a sense of belonging in their neighbourhoods and their community. Expected Results: Increase the number of meaningful opportunities for residents to be connected in their neighbourhood and communityStrategy: Implement programs and services that respond to neighbourhood recreation needs.

Matches 0
Category Social sciences + 3
CityStudio London
CityStudio London
London, Ontario, Canada

Mapping business types and vacancies in commercial districts

Project Details:In a post-pandemic world we will need to re-think our cultural venues and special event organizations. What are some of the challenges we will face and some ways to mitigate those obstacles? Produce a risk analysis (for example, a RASCI format) and best practice scan of resources that could be utilized by London’s cultural venues and special event organizations.Deliverables can be : RESEARCH (Best practices, policy, data, cataloguing, tech solutions)ANALYSIS (reviews, testing, recommendations)Background:This project relates to the City of London Strategic Plan: Focus Area: Growing our EconomyExpected Outcomes: London creates a supportive environment where entrepreneurs, businesses, and talent can thrive.Expected Results: Increase access to supports for entrepreneurs and small businesses, and community economic development.Strategy: Revitalize London’s Downtown and urban areas.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 3
CityStudio London
CityStudio London
London, Ontario, Canada

Environmental Impact of Construction Materials Used in Parks

Project Details:Evaluate the environmental Pros and Cons of Parks construction materials to improve the environmental sustainability of London's Parks. Search for sustainable landscape materials and create a comparative breakdown of positive and negative impacts.Deliverables can be : RESEARCH (Best practices, policy, data, cataloguing, tech solutions)ANALYSIS (reviews, testing, recommendations)Background:This project relates to the City of London Strategic Plan: Focus Area: Building a Sustainable CityExpected Outcomes: London’s growth and development is well planned and sustainable over the long term.Expected Results: Improve London’s resiliency to respond to potential future challenges.Strategy: Advance sustainability and resiliency strategies.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 4
CityStudio London
CityStudio London
London, Ontario, Canada

Gamifaction Tools for Environmental Education

Project Details:Develop and test new gamification tools for environmental education to assist with public engagement.Deliverables can be : PROTOTYPES (mock-ups, designs, tests, visualizations, beta-versions)ENGAGEMENT (Specific tests for permanence and scale)DESIGN (2nd stage experiments, models, events, diagrams)Background:This project relates to the City of London Strategic Plan: Focus Area: Building a Sustainable CityExpected Outcomes: London has a strong and healthy environment.Expected Results: Conserve energy and increase actions to respond to climate change and severe weather.Strategy: Work with multi-sectors to develop and implement the next Community Energy Action Plan (CEAP).

Matches 0
Category Social sciences + 2