55 Rush Research Intern
Student Life Network has the best perks for Canadian students, all in one place - tuition giveaways, scholarships, student resources, deals and more! This year alone, SLN will give away over $200,000 in prizing & scholarships, including Canada's Luckiest Student, where one student will win a life-changing prize bundle worth over $50,000. To continue to communicate the right information at the right time to students at Colleges & Universities across Canada, we want to track the important dates for students like tuition deadlines, first/last day of classes, reading weeks, etc. For yconic & SLN, we are also interested to learn about student, parent, guidance counsellors & principal conferences/events that we should participate as a vendor or promote. For Canada's Newcomer's Network, we would like research on settlement organizations & events so we can share it with our members; and baby/parent shows to share with Parent Life Network members.