Imran Patel He / Him
Social work Website development

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Recent projects

Markham & Lawrence Community United
Markham & Lawrence Community United
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Charitable Organization Application Processing

The main goal for the project is to assist Markham & Lawrence Community United in processing the paperwork required to transition from a not for profit organization to a charitable organization. This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Researching the legal requirements and paperwork needed to become a charitable organization in Ontario/Canada.- Assisting with the completion and submission of the necessary paperwork.- Communicating with relevant government agencies and legal advisors as needed. We can help with this part as well.

Matches 2
Category Communications + 2
Markham & Lawrence Community United
Markham & Lawrence Community United
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Website Renovation for Markham & Lawrence Community United

The main goal for the project is to renovate the current website for Markham & Lawrence Community United. The website is currently outdated and not professional, so the main goal is to create a modern, professional website that accurately represents the company and its mission.This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:Analyzing the current website to identify areas for improvement.Designing a new user interface and layout for the website.Developing new content and graphics to update the website. (We can help with the content)Find a web host company to host our website. Implementing modern web design features and functionality such as a payment feature to collect donations and an online schedule where we can post current programs just to name a few features that we are looking for. I have attached a sitemap architecture as a starting point.Testing the new website for usability and performance.Taking into account SEO while designing the website to ensure that our website ranks well on search enginesLaunching the updated website for public use.

Matches 1
Category Information technology + 2