Riley Bennett CCC
Riley Bennett CCC

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Recent experiences

George Brown College
George Brown College
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Beverage, Sensory & Evaluation

HOSF 4705

Sep 14, 2020 - Dec 14, 2020

Do you want to improve your supply chain, sustainability practices or technology within your establishment? In this project, students in George Brown's Honours Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Culinary Management (Four (4) Year Degree Program) will provide unique and valuable insight to help you improve your understanding of the beverage industry and your business. You will work with specific students assigned to your business where they will supply marketing research, statistics and feasibility while making recommendations for your business.

Matches 1
Category Hospitality, tourism & culinary arts + 3
George Brown College
George Brown College
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Food Industry, Beverage, Sensory & Evaluation


Sep 9, 2019 - Dec 14, 2019

Are you looking to update your restaurant or food establishment menu? Are you looking for new and original beverage pairings? Do you want to improve your supply chain, sustainability practices or technology within you establishment? In this project, students in George Brown's Culinary Management Bachelor of Commerce Four (4) Year Degree Program will provide unique and valuable insight to help you improve your understanding of the beverage industry and your business.

Matches 0
Category Hospitality, tourism & culinary arts + 3
George Brown College
George Brown College
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Toronto Eatery Launch or Redevelopment


Oct 17, 2019 - Dec 14, 2019

Are you in the process of launching a new eatery in Toronto, or hoping to make improvements to a current establishment and better serve customers in your neighbourhood? In this project, students in George Brown’s culinary program will help launch or redevelop your establishment, with a focus on eco-friendly practices. Students can analyse your local market and competitors, explore technological innovations, and consult on floor plans, equipment, and menus.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 2

Work experience

George Brown Chefs School
September 1 - Current


MBA of Sustainable Commerce, Masters in Business Administration
University of Guelph
May 1 - August 1