Cody Eaton
Sales Director -
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Market research Product or service launch Marketing strategy Media


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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Canadian Electric Utility Vehicle Market

INTRO: Albion Golf Cars has supplied electric utility vehicles to select industries for operation managers around the GTA. These vehicles have been introduced to help with the transition from Gas & Diesel powered utility equipment. So far the process has been slow and steady for municipalities and companies making the switch to electric. Within the electric utility market exist a submarket called "The Last Mile" delivery. This market is growing outside of Canada mainly due to more structured and liberal street legal laws. UPS, Universities, Food Delivery, Groceries and Consumer goods are all industries that have started to utilize "Last Mile Delivery". Albion has the exclusive rights to a European product called Garia Utility. They are extremely good quality, however cost quite a bit. There is only a select amount of true competition for Garia. Albion sees Garia and the growing electric utility market as an opportunity to grow and learn more. We want to develop clarity on our competitive advantages and optimize our marketing strategy. This Project Will Include: An identification of our current competitors An identification of potential future competitors (eg. a large company in a similar industry who may enter the space) The creation of a matrix identifying features shared across the companies and those that are different. A summary of 2-4 paragraphs describing our competitive advantages and disadvantages relative to the competition identified. This could be done in the form of a SWOT analysis. We will give you access to organizational assets to support this project such as personnel, website analytics, sales and brand collateral, and more. We can suggest names of competitors to research. Objective Albion hopes to gain a comprehensive understanding of the electric utility market in Toronto and the rest of Ontario. We want to better understand how we can continue to grow our marketshare for electric utility vehicles and how we can tap into the Last Mile Delivery.

Matches 3
Category Marketing - general + 3