Nathan Jenkins-Boale
Nathan Jenkins-Boale He
SteepDeep Software
SteepDeep Software
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Website Product Feature Video

Our company, SteepDeep, creates interactive trail maps for ski resorts. We would like to add a visually compelling, informative video to our landing page that explains exactly what our company does and what services we can offer to customers.The video should showcase how our interactive trail maps provide detailed information about ski runs, lifts, amenities and points of interests at each resort. It should also outline how a resort can use our custom content management system to ensure they provide guests with the most up to date content at the resort.This project will involve several steps: Familairizing yourself with our product and the ski industry Developing a storyboard or script of the video to pitchIterating on feedback of the storyboard / script Using a combination of stock footage and recorded content within the application to convey your messageCreating, editing and voicing (optional we can hire a voice-over artist) the video.

Matches 1
Category Media + 2
SteepDeep Software
SteepDeep Software
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Expand Our Ski Run Status Api

Our company SteepDeep creates high-quality interactive ski maps for resorts that allow guests to explore the resort.One of the main features of the map is visualizing live run-statuses including open/closed, difficulty ratings, and grooming. We would like to expand this API to contain information about other mountains and start creating a massive database of run-statuses and run-status history.In this way we can leverage this data to other companies in the ski-industry. Providing access to the API on paid basis and furthering the creation of new software products.Your goal will be to use chron job in Google Cloud functions (node) to scrap data from ski resort's webpages and occupy a database at given intervals.

Matches 0
Category Cloud technologies + 3
SteepDeep Software
SteepDeep Software
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Software Development: Raster Image to tileset for Mapbox

We have an interactive resort ski map where guests can explore digitally.We would like to streamline the creation of new maps at new resorts. Typically a resort will have a 2D and and 3D map. The 2D map starts with an image provided by the resort. This image is tiled with external tools so it may used as a Raster Layer on Mapbox. -- See 2D map on demo product: as we zoom into the photo we do not loose quality of the image. This is because this image is tiled and placed over top the world.We would like to streamline this process. Your goal, using local development is to create a Python program that takes an image as input and the returns the tileset of the image without distorting the image. This task may prove to be difficult since we are projecting across the Mercator projection. The program you will create will be in Python since there are several resources to perform such operations as GDAL.

Matches 0
Category Information technology + 3
SteepDeep Software
SteepDeep Software
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Sales Strategy for SteepDeep Interactive Ski Map

The main goal for the project is to develop and execute a strong sales strategy to generate leads and sell the interactive ski map to potential ski resort clients. This will involve reaching out to potential clients, scheduling product demonstrations, and presenting the value proposition of the SteepDeep interactive trail maps.

Matches 0
Category Lead generation