Meagan Kendall
Meagan Kendall
Meagan Kendall She / Her
Associate Professor
El Paso, Texas, United States

Dr. Meagan R. Kendall is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Education and Leadership at the University of Texas at El Paso. As an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, she received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, with a concentration in Biomechanics, from The University of Texas at Austin. Her biomechanics research emphasized medical device design, resulting in two innovative prosthetic products designed to improve the comfort of lower-limb amputees during ambulation.
Now an engineering education researcher, Dr. Kendall’s work focuses on using her design expertise to improve the educational experience of diverse engineers. Dr. Kendall leveraged her experience in product design in the creation of many of the core courses in the one-of-a-kind BS in Engineering Innovation and Leadership at UTEP. Her work seeks to enhance engineering students' motivation, explore engineering identity formation, advance engineering faculty development, and involve students in curriculum development and teaching through Peer Designed Instruction.
Dr. Kendall's scholarship emphasizes the professional formation of diverse engineers, specifically through the development and application of the Contextual Engineering Leadership Development framework. She co-edited and co-authored a sourcebook on Student Leadership Development in Engineering that bridges the gap between research and practice in higher education.
Bringing together her work in engineering leadership development, curriculum design, and collaborative product design, her current focus is on developing engineering instructional faculty as leaders of educational change at Hispanic-Serving Institutions as PI of the AMPLIFY Project and Co-PI of the NSF UNIDOS Center for HSI Community Collaboration. She has also launched a consulting company that offers customized development to support faculty in their journey toward inclusive and engaging instruction.
Dr. Kendall has served as the ASEE LEAD Division Chair and FIE 2022 Technical Program Chair. She currently serves on UTEP’s Hispanic Serving Research Council. Dr. Kendall has been recognized for her teaching, being awarded the UTEP College of Engineering Teaching Award.

Mechanical engineering Engineering project management Hardware product design Leadership

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