Tina Tumba
Tina Tumba
Market research Lead generation Marketing strategy Social media marketing Website development


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La Belle Creative Hair Salon
La Belle Creative Hair Salon
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Website Development for Boutique Hair Salon

Our company advertises our services online. We hope to update and revamp our existing website to attract more customers.We would like to work with students to develop a new website that is easy to maintain while providing an appealing interface for users. This can be achieved through common site building tools such as Wix, Webflow, and WordPress.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Researching different site-building tools and their associated advantages / disadvantages.Conducting a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable.Building a website, with our assistance in providing the content.Providing training on updating and maintaining the website.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Testing prototypes with customers and refining ideas with feedback.

Matches 0
Category Website development + 2
La Belle Creative Hair Salon
La Belle Creative Hair Salon
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Digital Content Creation for Boutique Hair Salon

Our company advertises thousands of products online. We hope to revamp our social media and email marketing content to attract more customers.We would like students to help us create content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our company’s products, marketing goals and target market.Researching factors affecting the quality of digital content.Recommending changes to existing digital content and designing new social media posts and emails.Recommending and designing new digital content not already used by our company.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Testing and improving designs based on feedback.

Matches 0
Category Communications + 3